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"I heard that you won the second prize for the art competition," Mrs Hamada said as they started to eat dinner.

"Yeah," Jaehyuk said. "But your son won the grand prize,"

Jaehyuk know that Mrs Hamada didn't has any ill intention to mention about that. Sometimes, she's more excited for Jaehyuk's achievement than Asahi's.

"He really should stop entering those competition. It's no fun anymore," Mrs Hamada said to Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk just nodded.

"Come and have dinner with us everyday. Your parents are away for a week," Mr Hamada said.

"It's okay. I don't want to trouble you guys," Jaehyuk said.

"You didn't, Jaehyuk-ah. Don't worry about it and just come to our house. If you want to sleep over tonight, you're also welcomed," Mrs Hamada said.

"I'm done eating," Asahi said before he stood up and left to clean his dishes.

Jaehyuk trying hard to stop himself to rolls his eyes at Asahi. Why is Asahi so different from his parents.

His parents are so friendly and nice to be around with. While Asahi, he looked and acted like he doesn't even has a soul.


"Good morning, Jaehyuk-nim,"

"You looked handsome as always Jaehyuk-nim,"

"Good morning, sunbae-nim,"

"Morning, Prince Charming,"

As always, Jaehyuk waved and smiled at his 'fans' who greeted him.

Jaehyuk is known to be the kindest student in their college. Even so, no one ever dare to take advantage on him since he has strong 'bodyguards' who are his best friends, Jeongwoo, Junghwan, Junkyu and Jihoon.

"Oh! Good morning, Asahi-nim,"

His smile dropped as soon as he saw Asahi in front of him. Yes. Jaehyuk is kind to everyone. But not Hamada Asahi.

Asahi nodded a bit before walked passing him. Jaehyuk didn't even know how he still has admirers when every time anyone greeted him, he has never smile. Asahi just nodded and walked away.

"Can't you keep it down? You're being too obvious that you didn't like him," Jeongwoo said.

"Because I did didn't like him," Jaehyuk said.

"You didn't worry about your reputation? For acting like that to someone?  I thought you care about your image so much," Jeongwoo said.

"I care about my image," Jaehyuk said. "I just don't care about Asahi,"

"But he's your family's friend's son. Can't you like at least get along with him?" Jeongwoo asked.

"He has been acting that cold. How can I even get along with him?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Maybe it's because you have been too obvious disliking him. Jaehyuk. Asahi is also a human. He can see that someone dislike him so much. How can he try to get close to you when you clearly showed that you don't like him every time you saw him?" Jeongwoo asked.

"That is not my problem," Jaehyuk said.

"I wonder how would you act when you're going to his house. His parents always invited you for meals, right?" Jeongwoo asked.

"Just like how I usually did," Jaehyuk said.

"What about his parents?" Jeongwoo asked.

"What about his parents?" Jaehyuk asked him back. "His parents are really sweet tho. Unlike him. He's soulless even at home,"

"I just realized when you mentioned it. I never saw him smiling like genuinely smiling. It always be the 'sale person' smile whenever he needed to," Jeongwoo said.

"That's one of thousands things that I dislike about him," Jaehyuk said.

"You haven't seen him genuinely smiling? Even at home?" Jeongwoo asked.

"I've told you he's soulless even at home," Jaehyuk said. "How the hell am I supposed to see him genuinely smiling when he's acting like he's a robot even in front of his parents,"

"Oh! Jaehyuk. Come here for a bit," Professor Jung, one of their professor called him. Jaehyuk walked toward Professor Jung.

"Did you know about the summer festival that our college will be holding?" Professor Jung asked.

"Is it the festival they said they'll invite Winner for it?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Yes! Yes! That one," Professor Jung said.

"I've heard about it," Jaehyuk said.

"I want to ask you to do me a favour. The directors have been talking about how our school has two excellent artists. And they asked me to asked you to join the festival design team," Professor Jung said.

"Design team?" Jaehyuk asked. "I don't think I can do that great. Maybe the design major kids will do even better than me,"

"You guys are really alike," Professor Jung said while chuckled a little.


"You and your best friend, Asahi. He said the exact same thing that you said just now," Professor Jung said.

Jaehyuk sighed softly while Jeongwoo who's standing next to him trying hard not to laugh because he know how much Jaehyuk dislike that.

"I heard you guys grow up together and your families are close too.  I guess what people said are true. That birds of a feather flock together," Professor Jung said.

"But still. I don't think I should join the design team for the festival, Professor Jung," Jaehyuk said.

"No worries. I won't force you to," Professor Jung said. "But I can't guarantee that the design team will asked you for it as well or not,"

"What?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Well. The design team supported the idea of having you and Asahi on their team. So I can't guarantee if they won't beg you to join them or not," Professor Jung said.

Professor Jung tapped Jaehyuk's shoulder before walked away, smiling.

"Uu~~ Best friend~~" Jeongwoo teased him.

"Stop it, can't you?" Jaehyuk asked.

"I still remember when the event team followed you around, begging you to joined their team last year. They even followed you to the toilet isn't it?" Jeongwoo laughed while talking about it.

"I don't want to remember that," Jaehyuk said.

"And when you finally joined them, just for you to find out that Asahi was one of the event team members," Jeongwoo added.

"I hope they won't beg me for this," Jaehyuk sighed.

"Seriuosly. Now I feel like you guys are actually fated to be together. Like wherever you are, whatever you do. Always will cross path," Jeongwoo said.

"Stop that. You know how much I hate that?" Jaehyuk asked.

"I think you can stop disliking him too much," Jeongwoo said. "Or else, you might fall for him or something,"

"What? You want me to fall for him?" Jaehyuk asked Jeongwoo, disbelieve with what his best friend just said.

"It will be fun. At least I will stop hearing you complaining about Asahi," Jeongwoo said. "Good luck. I'll pray that you'll fall for him everyday,"

"You wanna die?" Jaehyuk asked. Jeongwoo just laughed and walked away from Jaehyuk.  

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