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"I know that you hated him. But, can you please at least make sure get home safely?" Junkyu asked.

"I didn't hate him," Jaehyuk said.

"You dislike him. Yeah," Junkyu added.

"And why are you being worried about him?" Jaehyuk asked.

The party ended and it's already passed midnight. Some of their friends already went home.

"You saw him yourself, right? He's drunk," Junkyu said. 

"And why don't you make walk him home yourself?" Jaehyuk said.

"I want to. But I live at the opposite side. And I need to take Junghwan home as well. He's even more drunk than Asahi," Junkyu said.

"So. You don't have to worry about him," Jaehyuk said.


"Alright. Alright. I know. Even though I looked like this, I know what I should do," Jaehyuk said. "His parents will be upset if anything happened to him when I was around and didn't do anything. My parents will be mad as well,"

"I know I can trust you, Jaehyuk," Junkyu said. "And I feel like you can stop hating on him for no reason already,"

"I didn't hate him," Jaehyuk said.

"Yeah. You just dislike him," Junkyu said. "I can see he's quite down whenever he's around you,"

"How did you see him down? He didn't even change his facial expression at all," Jaehyuk said.

"I just know, Jaehyuk-ah," Junkyu said. "Because I care about him,"

"You what?" Jaehyuk can't believe what he just heard.

"It's getting late. Go home safely," Junkyu said.

"Eo," Jaehyuk nodded.

"And make sure Asahi went home safely as well," Junkyu added.

"Alright," Jaehyuk said.

The restaurant they're having the party at is Hyunsuk's older brother's restaurant. That's why they can stay there even past midnight.

The other kids except for Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk and Asahi already went home because the live quite far from the neighborhood the restaurant is at.

"I just need to help my hyung to clean this first. Do you need me to help you?" Hyunsuk asked.

"No. I can manage it," Jaehyuk said.

He walked toward Asahi who's spacing out at his seat.

"Let's go home, Asahi," Jaehyuk said.

Asahi looked at Jaehyuk before stand up and walked following Jaehyuk's steps. Their houses are not that far from where the restaurant is at. So they just need to walk home.

It's not the first time Jaehyuk has been watching over drunken Asahi. Asahi didn't act much when he drunk. He just spaced out and do nothing other than keep drinking.

Asahi will just followed any demand made by other if they added his name after the demand. Yes. He will do anything.

But still, he's not really that conscious.

Jaehyuk looked at his back for a few times as they walked home. To make sure that Asahi still following him.

Jaehyuk is not that cruel to just ignore the drunken person no mater how much he doesn't like that person. The problem is, the only person that Jaehyuk dislike is Asahi. And Asahi is almost like his family because of how close their families are.

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