• Three •

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♡ Not an angel, but a man ♡

The decision had been made; Coraline Dechanté would be the prima donna to replace La Carlotta. It was daunting, to say the least. However, Coraline knew deep in her tattered heart that she could do it, especially with her Angel listening from beyond to the payoff of his hard work.

"Your dressing room is prepared, Mademoiselle." A sweet stagehand informed Coraline as she finished the final fitting for her new prima donna dress. She smiled and nodded with a short thanks mumbled to the girl.

Then, with the approval of her costume fitter, she turned and made her way gracefully to the dressing room now deemed as her own - a bounce in her step.

She reached the large door in minutes with a careful hand extending out to wrap around the handle, twisting it down and opening it to reveal the beauty within. The room - though certainly oversized for just one petite woman - was exquisite. A mix of pink, red, and orange decorated the room, creating a cosy and comfortable atmosphere that rose warmth in her.

She smiled as she ran her fingertips over the dressing table to her far right before her head tipped up, taking in the large antique mirror stood tall opposite the very door she had just entered through. She tilted her head while bringing her teeth down curiously on her bottom lip, nibbling on it as she stepped up to the mirror, close enough to reach a hand out to touch its smooth surface as her reflection stared back.

"Coraline," the soothing voice called out, startling the poor unsuspecting woman.

She jumped back with widening eyes and her hand now trembling as it lifted to rest over her beating heart; attempting to calm its sudden fast pace. She had not expected his company so soon after her fitting, but now that he was here, well, she was delighted.

"Angel," she exhaled with a small smile tugging on her lips once more. "You startled me," she admitted with a soft melodic chuckle that brought a small smile curling on the man's lips behind the mirror.

"That was not my intention," he says; almost tempted to utter an actual apology though never quite rising the words on his tongue. "I hear a congratulations is in order, ma chérie."

"Oh, yes!" she gasps excitedly, smiling even wider than before. "I am to play Alyssa in the new show. I'm a prima donna, Angel. Can you believe it?" she laughed heartily. "My dreams are coming true... all thanks to you."

The man frowned, tilting his head down thoughtfully at the statement he found himself unable to completely agree with. Sure, he had played a vital part in her current success; having instructed Giry to put her name forward to sing. But any fool could see that Coraline has exceptional talent and beauty to offer the stage. And so, he spoke the only words that came to mind - words offered by his lonely heart.

"Your dreams are coming true because you live and breathe music, ma chérie. You are exceptional in every sense of the word, and my guidance has only proved to enhance a talent you were already gifted with at birth."

A talent I'm not sure I truly deserve. Coraline thought as her heart swelled at his kind words, her lips lifting at their edges as she dipped her head down bashfully with a tint of red rising in her pale cheeks. "You are far too kind to me, Angel."

The man chuckled deeply, a fondness behind his shining yellow eyes. "No, ma chérie. You deserve the world and more, and with me by your side, you shall have it." he assures while taking a short step closer to the glass; tempted to open the mirror and reveal himself to her.

Ma Chérie - Phantom of the Opera (OC)Where stories live. Discover now