• Four •

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♡ Music of the Night ♡

The mirror slid aside to reveal the man Coraline had spent years conversing with; the man who had taught her all she knew about singing and music. Darkness enveloped him like a thick blanket he seemed comfortable welcoming. His eyes shone a bright yellow, staring back at her awe ridden emerald ones with curiosity and calm.

He stood tall, towering over her small frame in his raven black suit and matching cape while half his face remained hidden behind a pale mask as though intended to add to his air of mystery.

He is rather handsome. She found herself appreciating with a red tint rising in her pale cheeks and her heart racing wildly under his intense gaze that drew her in willingly.

She watched with bated breath as he reached a gloved hand out tentatively, offering it to her. She paused, contemplating her next actions carefully as her gaze flicked between his stormy, mesmerising eyes to the hand outstretched towards her.

Her heart and mind fought hard; on one hand, walking into a dark hidden passageway behind her mirror with a near stranger was absurd and likely to have her killed. While on the other, it was tempting, and those deep eyes she felt she knew all too much pulled her in, filling her with calm and a sense of unwavering safety in his presence.

"Come, Coraline." he encourages with a soft tilt of his head and his hand moving towards her barely enough to be noticeable unless truly paying attention - which Coraline certainly was.

"What is your name?" she whispered inquisitively, her eyes holding his without fear nor doubt.

The man tried hard to hide his surprise at her question, keeping his calm exterior in place as he wondered whether sharing his name would win her trust enough to coax her into following him to his cavern. "Erik..." he murmured uncertainly, studying her expression closely for any reaction.

"Erik," she repeated with a relaxed smile. Somehow, managing to make his name sound like the most beautiful name ever uttered. He liked the sound of his name falling from her delicate plump lips. It sounded so right, so fitting.

Then, as though hearing his actual name had risen security within her, Coraline stepped forward, wrapping her smooth hand around his gloved one and offering an agreeable nod; permission even.

Erik smiled, unable to contain the rush of happiness and relief that flooded his system at her eagerness to join him into the darkness that was the passageway behind the mirror. He curled his fingers protectively around her smaller hand, holding it in disbelief as his head turned and his other hand reached out; taking a torch from the fixture on the wall and holding it in front of himself to illuminate the darkened, narrow passageway. With a short glance back at his sweet Coraline, he began to move forward, pushing deeper into the long stretch of tunnel.

They walked in silence, allowing Coraline to take in the enthralling man before her with silent awe. Her eyes never left him; too afraid of missing the rare moment when he would glance back at her to check she was okay. Every short second of eye contact with him would send a thrilling chill through her spine and ignite a tingle within her chest. Her stomach would flip, and her eyes would surely soften under his gaze.

He had an unspoken hold over her; this man, no more an angel than she was. He was more than she had ever imagined, even without explanation for where he was actually leading her. Even as they came out of the narrow passageway into a larger, more open spaced one, he remained silent with only three words murmured desperately to her - just loud enough for her ears to pick up.

Ma Chérie - Phantom of the Opera (OC)Where stories live. Discover now