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♡ Revelations ♡

Coraline tilted her head with her lower lip slipping once more between her teeth thoughtfully. Her green eyes skimmed over her reflection, studying the costume she currently wore with mild distaste scrunching her button nose. This dress is awful; I look like a flamingo threw up.

She sighed softly, thinking back to the moment she had been announced as the new prima donna. It still seemed truly surreal, especially with Carlotta having disappeared from the public eye with her lover - Piangi, since the croaking incident just two months prior.

Everything had gone by in blur with Coraline, often feeling left behind and playing catch up. Her schedule had grown, and her lessons with Erik had become more frequent and focused on bettering her tone and emotions for the aria's she were to sing.

She was grateful for the opportunity to be a leading lady, but that didn't mean that it wasn't overwhelming at times to be pulled in every way possible by managers, instructors, and her angel.

She desired a short break; one that could offer her an opportunity to recharge and relax. One where she could focus more of her attention on figuring out how to express her feelings to Erik beyond the odd flirting she attempted during their many lessons.

They had spent many a times in the last two months just talking and laughing. They had grown closer; their bond strengthening to a new height and her love blossoming deeper. He had the most sincere and heart-warming laugh there was. It felt like a melody sung just for her soul.
She adored that laugh as much as she adored him.

She smiled at the thought while flicking her gaze to the man sat behind her on an armchair, reading a book she had unintentionally left out on the table beside it. He looks so content she notes before sucking in a deep breath and calling to him with an unusual request in mind. "Erik?"

"Hmm..." he hummed in response without lifting his gaze from the open book in his hands, causing Coraline to smile.

"Erik," she repeated more firmly and slightly louder than before, with her hands resting on her hips. But again, he hummed, and the moment he did, she rolled her eyes and shook her head with a chuckle. "That's fine. Perhaps I'll ask Raoul to help me with my costume seen as you appear busy." she remarked with a smirk; all too aware of his disliking towards the long-haired man.

Erik's head finally snapped up to her, staring at her with a dangerous glare as hatred towards the Vicomte swelled within him. "That isn't funny," he grumbles upon seeing her amused and smug expression.

"It's a little funny,"

"What did you need?" he asks with a slight huff as he places the book back in its place upon the table and stands.

He moves to stand behind her in the mirror, studying her costume and beauty through the reflection. She looked cute even in the god-awful costume; more so with how she only just reached the height of his chest just below his broad shoulders.

Ma Chérie - Phantom of the Opera (OC)Where stories live. Discover now