• Twelve •

199 8 1

♡ Protect ♡

Her fingertips skimmed along the delicate rose upon the dressing table; studying the way the blood red petals moved beneath her skin. She smiled, touched by the familiar token of love Erik left for her daily.

It was a reminder that she meant something to him. That his love for her, though rough around the edges at times, was sincere and innocent in nature. He adored her just as she adored him.

They were made for one another. Two lost, lonely souls coming together to form something lasting and whole.

Her heart swelled at the thought of his golden eyes; both warmed and excited by the image of them. He was beautiful in every way, no matter what others believed of his deformity. He was perfect.

“Okay,” she exhales softly with eyes returning to her reflection once more, allowing the rose to simply rest gently in her right hand.

Her emerald eyes scanned the dress she had chosen to wear for the tour, conflicted by it. Mainly because it was both modest yet flattering for her figure. The high collar and long sleeves of the deep green gown covered her porcelain skin from the sight of others, protecting her. While the mid section accentuated her curves in manners, she truly wished it wouldn’t – making her breasts appear rounder and fuller while her waist appeared slim.

She feared the dress was too flattering for her evening with Monsieur Carlter. That perhaps he would be unintentionally misled into believing she, too, wanted his affections as much as he appeared to want to share them.

Truth be told, her heart and mind were both repulsed and angered by the man she was being forced to spend her evening with.

It was painfully obvious that his sole interest within the Opera house was the females working within it. He didn’t care for the music or art offered here, nor the hard work and dedication shown towards those crafts.

No, their newest patron wanted a warm body beneath his and control over those he deemed suitable to satisfy his animalistic needs.

He’s a pig.

A pig she is now running late to meet with.

Her head shook as her shoulders slumped in defeat, deciding there and then that the dress would have to do. It was her most modest dress. She had no choice. So, with right-hand lifting to slide the delicate rose into her hair for comfort, she turns to make her way swiftly towards the door.

Her hand lifts to turn the lock before pulling open the large oak door altogether. Then, with a lasting dissatisfied glance at her reflection, she leaves her dressing room.


She moves quickly through the vacant halls, all the while holding up the skirt of her dress in an effort to avoid tripping over it. Her breathing is slightly heavier as she rounds the final corner that would lead to the grand staircase where Carlter was said to be waiting.

However, before she is able to step into the blond-haired, blue-eyed man’s line of sight, a familiar gloved hand reaches out from within the shadows, catching her wrist effortlessly.

Her head snaps to her right, finding those adoring golden eyes she sought in times of sorrow and joy. Her heart leaps at the soft smile that graces his lips the moment he notices the rose resting atop her head; tucked amongst her man chocolate curls.

“What are you—” she opens her mouth to question his sudden appearance, only to have her voice falter when he tugs her firmly against his broad stature, his lips crashing desperately against her own plump ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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