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The place I went to turned out to be a large glade, surrounded by huge labyrinth walls. Yes, we were in a maze, and worst of all... We couldn't find a way to get out of here.

Our runners - who run into the middle of the labyrinth every day - are looking for a way out, but in vain.

The labyrinth is huge, and even though we may think we've already checked every sector, we still can't find a way out.

You'll probably ask how I know all this. So the answer is simple. I'm one of the runners.

But now I stay in the glade more often and help Alby - our chief, who was the first to go to the maze - and Newt - Alby's deputy.

In general, we lead a fairly quiet life here. The worst, are the moments when darkness comes and the gates of the labyrinth close. Then from its center you can hear the monstrous voices of grievers - creatures that're inside the labyrinth. They appear after dark.

Only the walls of this labyrinth defend us from these terrible creatures.

When I first came here, Alby showed me around the glade and explained everything. Namely:

Everyone who goes to this place remembers nothing except their name, which we're reminded of after a few days. Each new glader appears after a month. It's brought by a box along with food supplies, etc. It's just that they've always been boys. And I was a girl, that's why they were so surprised to see me. No one knows who put us here or why.

On the other hand, the rules that prevail here apply to everyone.

We can't slack off, everyone has to do their own thing. Don't harm other gladers, and most importantly... Never, no one is allowed to enter the labyrinth. Only runners and no one else have access to it.

I understood it all. After a few days, as Alby said, I also remembered my name. My name was Tessa.

However, the biggest mystery for me was the person whose name I remembered from the very beginning when I came here. Thomas.

I didn't know who exactly he was. During my dreams, I saw the man's face and heard his warm voice calling me by name, and even more by: Tess.

I knew it was definitely him. It was definitely Thomas. And I knew we were close.

The buildings and other voices I saw and heard made no sense to me, and they were also partially blurred. But Thomas' face wasn't the only one I saw in my dreams. There was also a woman there. Black-haired girl with blue eyes. She was about my age. After a few days, I remembered her name: Teresa. She was also close to me, I knew it, but I didn't know who exactly she was.

It was all one big mystery. However, today has changed literally everything.

A month has passed since my appearance in the Glade, which meant that today someone new is to join us. And so it happened.

Somewhere at noon, we could hear the loud sound of the box that was supposed to provide us with supplies and another galder. We all gathered around him.

After a few minutes, the box reached the place, and one of our galders came closer to open the hatch. It was Gally. Not a very friendly guy.

I didn't see exactly what was going on there, so I had to get closer and squeeze between boys. Fortunately, Newt helped me. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gotten there so easily and quickly.

"Thanks. " I sent him a grateful smile, which blond boy reciprocated.

"No problem. " He winked at me and then glanced at the newcomer.

I followed him with my eyes and froze.

"Tessa? " Newt looked at me. "Are you okay? " He asked in a worried voice.

I didn't answer anything. I stood there and looked at the new galder, which Gally threw out of the box after a while.

Confused, brunet looked around and looked at strangers. After a while, his gaze stopped at me. By then I was absolutely sure that it was him. It was Thomas.

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