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We got warm clothes and food from the people of the camp. Finally, it was possible to embrace a little and eat something. After that, I had to talk to Thomas.

Boy found me in one of the tents where I helped Mary bring her clothes. Woman immediately left us alone so that we could talk in private.

"I'll get straight to the point. " Brunet said, as soon as we were alone and then he came to me.

"Well, I hope so... " I started, but I didn't finish, because brunet kissed me.

At first I didn't know how to react, but after a while I returned the gesture. Brunet wrapped my waist around me, and I took his face in my hands. It was no ordinary kiss. He was full of longing, thirst and love.

"Why did you do that...? " I whispered and looked into his eyes while he brushed off a lock of my hair.

"For the same reason that you reciprocated it. " He replied. "I know you saw me and Brenda together at that party, but believe me, it didn't mean anything to me. I didn't think rationally... And... "

"And what, huh? "

"I had illusion before my eyes and... Instead her... I saw you. " He said still looking into my eyes. "It was only after the fact that I came to my senses. I'm sorry... " Boy had tears in his eyes. "She has never been and will never be you. "

"Tom... "

"No... I want you to know that. Maybe not all the memories came back to me, but I remember most of those related to you and I know that... You were, you are... And you'll always be important to me. I lost my family... But I have you. Tess, you're part of this family and always will be. No matter what. I've lost you once and I can't lose again. So please if... " I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Just say it." I smiled slightly, and the first tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I love you..." Glader whispered and took my face in his hands. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs and continued. "You hear me? I love you. Not Brenda, not Minho. " Added, to which I laughed. "Only you. I love you. "

I couldn't stand it anymore but joined our lips in a kiss. Brunet immediately kissed me back. I've always dreamed of meeting someone who would care about me. Someone who will love me no matter what. Who will always be with me. Well... I think I finally succeeded.

"I love you too..." I whispered as we moved away.

"I can't hear you." Man smiled pugnaciously.

"Tom... " This time it was me who took his face in my hands. "I love you. " I added and hugged him tightly, which of course he reciprocated.


I was happy to reconcile with Thomas. I felt good about finally being able to confess what I was feeling.

Later, Newt and the others called us to the campfire.

"And where's Teresa? " I asked our friends.

"There. " Frypan pointed.

"I'll back soon. " I said and went to my sister.

Why was she standing there alone? Maybe something happened?

"Hey..." I called out as I climbed upstairs. "Are you okay? What are you doing up here? "

"Yes, I'm fine. " Girl replied. "I just thinking. " She added.

I nodded.

"All right... I'll let you be alone. But boys waiting with food. Better hurry up, because they'll eat everything. " I added to which we both laughed.

"Okay, thank you. " Girl replied with a slight smile. "How about you and Thomas? "

"It's... Okay... Good..." I replied, and walked one step closer. "And maybe very good. " I smiled and felt that I was blushing.

"So I'm very happy about that. " She smiled sincerely. "I kept my fingers crossed for you from the very beginning."

"Thanks. " I laughed.

"Tessa...? "

"Hm? "

"Do you remember our mother? " She asked suddenly what she had completely confused me.

"Sometimes I see her in my dreams..." I said. "But most things are blurred. What about you? "

"I remember. " She replied with tears in her eyes.

"What was she like?"

"She was beautiful woman. Everybody loved her. Before WICKED, she was all we had. When she got sick... I didn't know what to do... I didn't want to torment you with this so at first I didn't tell you anything, but then you guessed anyway. " She said. "We just kept her locked up. Hidden. We thought she'd get better..." A tear flowed down my cheek, just like in Teresa's. "Every night, she'd make these awful sounds, like screaming. And then, one night, she just stopped. She was finally quiet. We went down to her room... And there was blood everywhere... But she was just sat there, calm. She said she was feeling better. The visions were gone. She'd taken care of them... She took her eyes out... " Girl cried. "There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories, just like mine. We can't turn our backs on them. I won't."

"W-what are you saying...? " I asked uncertainly.

"I'm saying, that I want you to understand... " More tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Understand what? " I sharpened the tone a bit.

"Why I did it..." She replied. After a while, the helicopter lights appeared behind her, and I froze.

"Teresa...? " I whispered.

"Please don't fight them... "

"What have you done? " I still couldn't believe it.

"Understand, please... "

"What have you done?! " I no longer paid attention to her words. "How could you?! " I didn't wait any longer, but quickly went down the rock and started running towards the camp.

I was hoping to make it, but it was too late...

"No!! " I screamed at the moment when the first bombs touched the camp.

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