Miranda arrives

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I arrived at 8:45, 15 minutes before I told everyone I would be there. Andrea was sitting at her desk with a shocked look on her face, like something different was happening. I never showed up earlier then I said. I didnt even know what was up. Emily my 1st assistent wasnt at her desk, so I just threw my coat and purse onto Andreas desk. "Good morning Miranda." Andrea said suprisingly sweet. I responded with a smile for about two seconds, then I started listing things that she needed to tell emily. "I need you to tell Emily that I want hot starbucks, and I need 13 red skirts from kelvin Kline. Thats all". Andrea was still writing everything I said down on a sheet of paper when I walked into my office. I started reading through the newspaper. "Here you are miranda. Your coffee, and skirts," Emily bursts out as she runs into my office. I dont even say a word. I just give her a glare, as I grab my non fat Mocha Latte. Emily left my office out of breath. Nigel came into my office and reminded me that that I had to be at the Spring fashion show in 30 minutes. "Miranda the car is already waiting outside." Andrea told me as I was leaving my office. The only thing that didnt make sense is how would I forget a fashion shoot. I never forget anything that involves work." I decided that after the fashion show I was going to go home and get some sleep. Maybe that was why I am having a hard time remembering work stuff. My driver dropped me off at home and I put on some pajamas and I was out withen five minutes of falling on my queen size matress.

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