The announment Part three

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I awoke this morning not knowing what I should wear. I arrived at work waring a short black dress that shows off the little baby bump I am starting to get. The dress came with a gold beaded over jacket. I could see that everyone was staring at the dress. "Good morning Miranda. You look like you are feeling better today." Andrea said as I walked into runway. "I have some big news. I will call you in one by one." I told everyone and walked into my office. Emily walked in with some sparkeling water. "Thank you Emily." she remained standing there. "Is there something else you would like." I asked Emily. "I just thaught that since I was in here you could tell me the news." Emily asked in a very quiet tone. "Nope. I need you to call nigel up here. I will be telling him first." I said as I took the water bottle and took a sip. Emily walked out of my office. I set my hands on the now bigger then yesterday baby bump. Nigel walked into my office and closed the door. "You called for me." I stood up and motioned to the couch, he followed. "I wanted to tell you the news first, since you are my best friend and partner in work." I told Nigel as he sat down on the couch. I took a deep breath and told Nigel the news. "Nigel. I am pregnant." Nigel jumped off the couch and pulled me into a big, but tight hug. "Miranda I am so happy for you. Do you know how far along you are." Nigel said as he was out of breath from jumping up and down. "I am ten weeks along." I said not trying to sound out off breath. Nigel was so happy for me, and he ran out of my office telling me he was going to go get me a present. I then called in Andrea to tell her the news. "Andrea the results were that I am ten weeks pregnant." She just gave me this excited look. "Ohh Miranda I am so happy for you." I started crying and had to sit down on the couch. Andrea sat next to me and asked. "Miranda whats wrong. You should be happy." I was truley happy, but I felt like I wasnt ready. Nigel came into running back into my office with two big presents. One pink, and one blue. He saw that I was crying and he took me in his arms asking me whats wrong. I told both of them. "I don't know if I am ready to have another baby. I mean I just had the twins 7 years ago and they are alot to handle. I just kept crying. Andrea was the first to speak. "You are going to be an amazing mother, plus if you ever need help you have us here at runway." we all did a group hug, but both of them just wanted to feel my stomach. I layed back and asked Andrea if she could go get emily. Before Emily walks I had to tell Nigel to take his hand off my stomach. Emily walked in with Andrea. Emily inched a smile on her face while she waited for the news. "Emily I am pregnant." Emily jumped up and down once and squeezed me in a hug, which actually hurt. I was again really tired, so I closed my eyes for a second and awoke one minute later to Nigel saying. "Let's let Miranda rest. She is now taking care of two boddies." Andrea and Emily left my office and Nigel picked me up in his arms and layed me on my back. The couch was surprisingly confy, Nigel coverd me up and started rubbing my stomach, and thats when I knew something wasn't right. "Nigel how did you know to rub my stomach?" Nigel didn't answer right away. "Your husband told me, so that if you were tired or stressed at work I could help you and the baby." Nigel told me hoping I wouldn't be mad. I wasn't mad. I just smiled and drifted off into a peaceful, relaxing, and deep sleep on my office couch.

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