The culprit unmasked

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"The number was Emilys, she was the one that sent you the text. She is the culprit." I bean to cry, I had trusted her. She used to be my first assistant. Nigel gave me a tight hug which I actually enjoyed. When the doctor came in he checked my chart right away and told me I was clear too go home, but if I wanted to go off to work I would have to sit with my feet up. The nurse helped me get dressed in my designer clothes. Nigel and I walked down to the car hand in hand silently. We were just outside the hospital doors when I realized why Emily was blackmailing me. "Nigel I know why emily sent the text. She is angrey with me that I gave Andrea her job. Now as second assitaint she doesnt get to go to paris." I told Nigel as I began to cry. Nigel helped me into the car and pulled me in a hug. I told the driver to elias clark. We were there in two minutes flat, but that moment changed when my phone lit up with the anonymous text again. I read the text outloud. "I want you to do exactly as I said, when you have to pick somebody to stand beside James Holt you will pick Jaqueline Follet, NOT Nigel. Remember what will happen if you don't do exactly as I say. Hope you make the right choice." I was now furious, which Nigel could see. I stormed out of the car and into the building. Nigel followed behind me trying to get me to calm down. I was determined to give Emily a piece of my mind. Nigel and I rode the elevator up to runway in silence. We arrived at runway and Andrea could sense something was wrong. I stormed into the office were Emily sat at her desk typing on her phone. "Emily give me your phone NOW." Emily looked shocked, and I was about ready to punch her in the face. Nigel pulled me back towards Andrea. Nigel took Emilys phone and checked it. "Last two texts sent were Miranda and Christian Thomas." I was being held back by Andrea when all the sudden Nigel pulled out a pair of handcuffs. I didn't even know he had a pair of them. "Emily, you are confined to your desk until the authorities arrive. Why would you blackmail Miranda you have the job that a million girls would kill for." Nigel chained one of Emilys hands in the handcuff and the other part of went to the desk. Emily was getting furious. "WHY. I'll tell you why. I have been working here for two years, waiting for paris and when I got super close. Miranda gave my job to the one girl who had only worked here for three months. I was furious. One day Christian and Jaquline showed up at one of your partys and pulled me to the side and told me the plan. Christian wanted to make sure Jaquline is the new partner with James Holt. I agreed, but at the time we discussed the plan we didn't know that our lot old Miranda was pregnant so I am sorry for the one mishap yesterday. Once we heard the news about your grandchild that your expecting we thaught we could use the baby as a leverage point." Nigel walked over to me and wispered "I have the whole thing recorded. I called the police and they will be here in 20 minutes." I just let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. Andrea was still holding me back as if she thaught I was going to pronce. "Well Emily we recorded this whole conversation and the police will be here in 20 minutes." Emily just lowerd her head and Nigel pulled me and Andrea into my office, but before I started going into my office a security guard walked in. "Miranda you should sit down and put your feet up." I didn't have time to agree or disagree when Nigel pulled me down onto the couch and put my feet on a pillow. "Whats going to happen with the police and Emily. I have a vacation planned in two weeks and I know there is going to have to be a trial. I don't want to miss my family vacation." I told Nigel as I started to cry again. I was so tired from holding in all my anger for Emily. I fell asleep just as the police came and took Emily away

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