The start of a long vacation

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My husband Woke me up at exactly 6:30 A.M. we had to be at the airport by 8:30 for our 10 o'clock flight. Steve had already packed my bags for me. The twins were already awake and eating breakfast. We were taking a family vacation to Madrid, Spain. I had been here before with my husband for our honeymoon. I wasn't feeling all that great when we left home, and that was most likley that I was getting worked up because I have neglected to tell my husband that I didn't get the "all clear" from my doctor to fly. I have to put a smile on and act like I was all clear to fly. We went through security and I put all my jewlery in a bag and in a bin, but I couldnt bend over so my husband helped me take my shoes off. The security guard motioned me through the walk through scanner and the guard replied "Is it okay if I pat you down." I nodded my head yes and all the sudden the guard pounded on my stomach really hard. "Ughhhh" I bent over in pain and I heard my husband running over towards me. "Hey what is the matter with you. Can't you see she is 7 1/2 months pregnant. Honey are you alright." I stood up straight and said yes, but the truth was I was far from it. After what the security guard did I was in pain. My husband helped me get my shoes back on and the guards braught a wheelchair for me to use. My husband must of orderd it. "Mrs. Priestly we are so sorry about the incident. We have braught you a wheelchair to take you to your terminal." a young security guard started pushing me down the long hallways. The girls followed beside steve as we walked down to our teminal that should take us on our family vacation. We arrived at the terminal and my husband wheeled me down the entry way to the plane. I was feeling really dizzy all the sudden when I stood up to follow the flight attendant to my seat. Cassidy wanted the window seat and I agreed because I wasn't going to look out the window. Caroline sat next to her sister, then I sat down and immediately closed my eyes. "Sweetheart Are you feeling okay. You have been acting off since the security accident." I didn't know what to say, so I just replied "I am still in pain from the accident and yet again I am dizzy." He gave me this look like he felt bad for me. I could tell he wished he was dealing with the pain instead of me. The plane took off and I still was in pain. My husband than asked the one question I was not ready to answer. "How did your Doctors appointment do?"

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