Name Battle

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I am now 26 weeks along and it was time for my husband and I to start thinking of names for our little boy Pristley. My husband likes the name Jacub Priestly, which I thaught was an ok name. We still have about 13 weeks til we meet him, so I asked my husband if I could get suggestions from my friends at work, and yes I call them friends now. This baby is really changing me, and I dont like it. My husband agreed and I was off to work before eating breakfast. That wasnt a good idea because as soon as I got to my office I threw up in the waste basket next to my desk. Andrea thaught it was just morning sickness again, but it wasnt. Nigel walked into my office holding a tray. It had a french omlet, toast and a glass of milk. "I assume my husband called you and said I didnt eat breakfast." I asked Nigel as he set the tray down in front of me. " Andrea emailed me saying you threw up again, so I just assumed you didnt. I called your husband just to make sure. I made it all myself." I smiled ay Nigel, he truly was as excited as my husband. Nigel had started walking out of my office when I remembered something. "Wait Nigel. I have a question to ask you." he stoped dead in his track and spun around with a smile on his face. My husband must of told him what I was going to ask. I pulled out a sheet of paper with two collums of lines on it. At the top it said "baby boy Pistley name game." I held it out to Nigel "just put this up on my clipboard and spread the word that if they have a name suggestion that they can write it on this sheet of paper. They have two weeks to submit there answers." Nigel looked so happy, but I could tell he had some questions. "Go ahead ask your questions." I said sipping some milk. "I was wondering how many names we can suggest, because I have 3 names I think you might like. And also I was wondering what you get as a prize if you end up picking that name." I hadnt really thaught of a prize, so I just quickly thaught of something that relates to work. "Well you can submit up to five names, and the winner will get to go to Paris with me, andrea, plus they will get $20,000 worth of designer clothes." Nigel smiled and left the room smiling. I had forgotten how good a cook Nigel is. I went home early because I was really tierd and wanted to get some sleep.

The next day....
I walked into work this morning just waking up, I decided to take a quick look at the name game sheet. I took a quick look, but something had shocked me. It is the second day of the competition and the sheet was already filled. I told emily to print three more sheets and she is to put it on top of the first sheet. Emily came back and only put one sheet on. I didnt care, all I wanted was to meet my little baby priestly. "Ring, ring" my cell phone lit up and showed an anonmous text. "Hello Miranda you dont know me but I know you. I want you to do everything I tell you, or if you choose to refuse that baby boy you call yours will never see the light of day." I began to get worked up, who was blakemailing me? Nigel walked into my office and told me to follow him. I stood and walked a little bit, but took a while to get my balence. Nigel noticed that I was having a hard time breathing, he slid my arm over his shoulder and told me to calm down. I tried, but couldnt. I fell to the floor, nigel made the fall a little less. I started coughing into a hanckerchief that Nigel had handed me. I saw a red hanckerchief, I pulled it down and tapped Nigel. "Oh my god. Andrea call 911. Miranda lets sit you up." Nigel said lifting me so that my back was against Andreas desk. I kept caughing up more and more blood, while Nigel got me a cold washcloth. Nigel had noticed I was burning up. Andrea came running in with the paramedics. Nigel lifted me on to the gurny, which actually hurt. The paramedics started an IV line that poked my arm. I had to have one of the oxygen mask covers. Nigel grabbed a ice pack out of the freezer and placed it on my forehead. It felt really nice. "Miranda you and the baby are going to be just fine. Relax and calm down." Nigel said to me as I still was caughing up blood and couldnt breath. Andrea stayed at the office and called my husband, while Emily emailed out everyone saying that the meetings they had scheduled were canceled until further notice. Nigel looked really scared, and worried. I cant tell him the real reason I got so worked up, or could I?. If he didnt tell my husband everything I could tell him, but maybe if I ask him not to tell. We arrived to the ambulance when the paramedics pushed me into the back, I winced in pain as the gurny was so hard. Nigel climbed in and sat right next me. He was shaking, I felt so bad he has had to go through this without nowing the real reason. I was dozing off when I reached out my hand to Nigel and said "now its your turn to relax and calm down." He smiled. I dozed off and awoke to hearing a door close. My eyes flutterd open to see nobody. "Nigel" a siluhette came out of the shadows. "I am right here Miranda". It was Nigel, he had calmed down alot since I last saw him. "Is the baby alright?." I asked still exhausted. "Yes Mirand the baby is just fine, but you on the other hand need to stop getting all worked up. Your body was telling you to take it easy. You lost alot of blood so they gave you a transfusion." Nigel told me, but then asked the one question I was hoping he wouldnt. "What made you get so worked up?" I told him that I couldnt tell him, because he would tell my husband. Nigel promissed he wouldn't tell steve. "Take out my phone and look at the latest text that was recieved." I said turning my head towards my jacket. I could tell when he had started reading it because his facieal expression was so calm. "I know a dude that can trace this number and find out who it is. I am going to call hims up right now. Do you mind if I do it in here." I nodded my head no, and tryed to sit up. I winced in pain, it hurt to sit up so Nigel said "Miranda Doctor has put you on bedrest until your blood pressure can come down." I nodded "okay" and closed my eyes. "Thank you  much my friend." Nigel said closing his phone and turning back towards me with an angry look on his face. "Who was it Nigel?"

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