Family day at home (Final chapter)

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I woke up in my bedroom, feeling the sunlight hit my face. "Good Morning Sweetheart." I rolled over to find Steve laying beside me with a smile on his face. "Good morning honey" I told Steve while planting a long deep kiss. I pulled away and shot up on the bed, I didn't know how I got to bed. Steve told me that he carried the girls to bed and then came back and carried me back to bed. "Oh My God the babies." I jolted out of the bed, only to be pulled back down onto a stack of two pillow's. "Don't worry about the babies they are right next to you and I fed them every two hours, and they were just fed twenty minutes ago, now you remember what the doctor said, you need to relax." I nodded my head and relaxed back into the center of my bed. "Fine I will stay in bed, only if you hand me my baby boys." He smiled and sprung up from the bed and straight to the two bassinets that sit next to my nightstand. "Oh honey you bought the two bassinets we needed. Thank you." I held out my arms as Steve handed me Colin. I kissed his forehead and moved him to my left room, and Steve placed Daniel in my right arm. Steve left the room, leaving me with my little boys. "Knock Knock" I wondered who would be knocking at my bedroom door. "Come in" I heard the door open and saw Cassidy and Caroline standing there in their pajamas. "Girls do you want to come up on the bed and snuggle with your baby brothers and I." They smiled and ran up onto the bed and snuggled in under the blankets. Steve walked back into the room holding a long platter of breakfast. "Honey what is all that." He had a smirk on his face. "I heard over the baby monitor that the girls came into the room, so I made breakfast for all of you." The girls each grabbed a grape and fed it to me, so I wouldn't have to put the babies down. Steve sat down on the bed, until my phone rang on the other side of the our bedroom. "Here sweetheart let me take the babies from you, so you can get your phone." Steve said as he grabbed Colin and Daniel from me. I jumped up from the bed to notice that it was an unknown number, I answered the phone to hear a loud static noise. "Hello this is Miranda Priestly speaking." as soon as I said my name the static stopped and a deep voice started speaking. "Miranda Priestly you know me and I know you, but what you did to me is more than I COULD EVER DO TO SOMEONE. You are a self centered Bitch, who ruined my plan with my fiance. I will make sure you don't see your children grow up, because you will be dead." The call ended and I set my phone back on the nightstand. I took a deep breath before returning to my bed with the remembrance that I have stitches in my side so I had to be careful getting on the bed. "Mommy do the stitches hurt." Caroline asked as I snuggled back under the blanket. "Well it hurts a little bit when I am trying to lay down, or sit down. It hurts alot when I bend over that's why your dad has to hand me the babies and pick up anything on the floor." They nodded their heads and snuggled into my arms and fell asleep. Steve put the babies in the bassinet and brought the girls to their own bedroom. Steve returned and asked if he could snuggle under the blankets with me, I giggled a little bit as he layed down on the bed and pulled me onto his chest. I fell asleep almost instantly with my husband in my arms, my babies calmly sleeping, and my girls relaxing after a very hectic day.

One week later

"Honey are you sure you want to go back to work. I mean the babies are only a week old, and they need their mother." I smiled to show that I am happy he is concerned for me. I answered more quickly than I thought I would, "I will be fine sweetheart, I am only going to the office for two hours to get the book and see how Nigel is doing, And lastly how the magazine is going. You know the office is my fifth home, outside of our four seasonal homes." Steve chuckled at my last comment, and I stepped toward him to accidently step on his foot. Steve yelped as I took my tall stilettos off of my husband's foot and as in shock as Steve sat down on the bed. "Steve, Honey I am so sorry. I was leaning in to kiss you before I left for work." Steve just pulled me down onto the bed next to me, and pulled me into a kiss. "Their you have your kiss, now go to work so you can come back for the surprise I will have ready for you." I laughed and practically ran out of my house and straight into my car. I arrived at work to find everyone waiting for me in the entryway to the building. "Welcome back Miranda." Everyone screamed out as soon as I walked in the door. "Thank you everyone, but if you are all down here welcoming me than who's working." Everyone's eyes went bold and they all took off running for the stairs, while Nigel and I took the elevator up. Sitting down at my desk Andrea walked in and handed me my traditional coffee. "Miranda is their anything you would like me to do for you" I felt very calm when I was sipping my coffee. "No thank you Andrea, I am perfectly fine at this moment." Andrea left my office, and sat down at her desk. I began to do my work, but couldn't keep my little babies out of my mind. Every Time I looked at a new page in the book, I thought "how cute would my girls and boys look in these outfits." The clock beeped and showed that it was 11:30. I was so sad because I still have an hour and a half til I can go home to my children and my husband. After thirty minutes I became so anxious that I basically said "screw it" I wanted to go home. "Ring Ring" I pulled my phone out of my purse and saw that my husband was calling. "Hey honey, is everything okay. Are the babies okay." I heard steve shush me, or try to calm down. "The babies and I are just fine, we just wanted to say hi and see how work is going." three tears rolled down my pale cheek. "Honey, what's wrong." I told him that I can't get him, or the children out my mind and that I was coming home early. Steve laughed and hung the phone up. I gathered all my stuff and yelled for Andrea to grab my coat, because I was going home early. "Miranda, give the babies a hug from Emily, and I please. " I nodded my head and ran to the elevator because I wanted to get home ASAP. When I arrived at home the door was open. I walked into find all the lights turned off, except for the light in the living room. "Steve where are you" I hear my babies start to cry, that's when I took off running for the living room. The crying stopped as soon as I reached the doorway to the living room. A gasp left my mouth without my permission. "Surprise Honey." I saw my little girls sitting on the couch, each holding a baby. "Steve what is going on." He smiled and turned and gave a thumbs up to the girls who each got up and pulled me to sit down on the couch. "Well sweetheart I got you a gift, that I am so excited for. Do you remember what day the babies were born." I had to give it a thought because a lot had happened on that day and the ones after. "The babies were born on our anniversary, and we never got to celebrate. I got us plane tickets to finally go to milan." I jumped up and pulled my loving husband into a tight hug, almost as tight as Nigel's hug. "Let's go pack and get to sleep early because we leave tomorrow morning. It only took me one hour to pack for me and the babies. I fed the little ones and fell asleep snuggling them in my arms. Tomorrow was going to be the start of a new Priestly family tradition. Hopefully I won't ruin it again, like I did the last time. I love my family with all my heart. Well my sweet little kids, I know you won't be little for much longer. But you will always be my little babies for the rest of my life, and when I am gone. Just remember that you can always re-read this story whenever you are feeling down, or lost. I love you to the moon and back Caroline, Cassidy, Colin, Daniel. Always remember me.

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