Chapter 2

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Noah dished out all the food on paper plates. The meal looked and smelled delicious. The entire shift had gotten called out for a small kitchen fire and would be back any minute. He had promised them dinner once they got back.

He left the food on the table and went to stand out on the deck. Early June brought sunshine and warmth to Colorado. Noah needed to find a job. Volunteering at the station was fun, but it didn't pay. Of course Noah had good money from pro football, he still needed to find a job. Maybe he could cook at a restaurant. But with little chef experience, maybe he would have to go somewhere else. He could always coach football at the local high school. Or...

His phone rang. Noah pulled it out of his pocket and answered without looking to see who it was. "Hello?"

"Hey." Asher Willis, his childhood friend.

"Hi Asher. What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you could help me move a piece of Summer's furniture out of the house in about half an hour." Asher and his fiancé, Summer, were getting married in a month and Summer was starting to sell some of her furniture, because after the wedding, Summer and her daughter, Adi, would be moving into Asher's home. 

"Sure. What are we moving?" Noah asked.

"Her entertainment center. It's a beast." Asher said.

"Sure, I'll be there." Noah heard the fire truck pull in the garage and expected the crew to be ready to eat any minute. "Just let me finish up over here."

"Okay. The buyer should be at Summer's place in about forty-five minutes. See you soon."


Noah saw Josh, Lincoln, and Lillian trudge into the kitchen. He came back from the deck. "Hey guys."

"Hey." Lincoln nodded towards Noah. "The food looks amazing. Can we eat?"

Josh's mouth watered, "I could smell it from a mile away."

"Yep. Help yourself. I've gotta run, my friend needs help with something. Don't enjoy yourselves too much." Noah grabbed his wallet and keys from off the counter.

Josh walked by and let his hand mess up Noah's honey brown hair. The sides of his head had shorter hair and the top was longer, slightly styled nicely. Josh knew Noah hated it when he messed up his hair, and he made a point to do it whenever he had the chance.

Noah's brown eyes cut towards Josh. "You know I hate when you do that." Josh made an innocent look, causing Noah to laugh.

He waved to the group and walked out to his gray SUV. He drove in silence, listening to the radio. Quitting professional football had been a good move on his part. Noah was a running back and was on the Denver Broncos starting lineup. But he knew he was just games away from a huge injury, so he quit while he was ahead of the game. He didn't want to die young like most football players did. And besides, it was hard to start a family when pro football was your career. A now, a family, or at least a wife, was something Noah really wanted.

Noah pulled his car to a stop at the curb of Summer's small home. He purposely didn't park in the driveway so that the buyer could park in the driveway and he and Asher would have a shorter distance to carry the entertainment center. 

The front door opened just as he approached it and Summer welcomed him in. "Hi Noah. Glad you could help."

He smiled at her. "Glad to be of service. Now, where is the beast you speak of?"

"In here." Asher called from the living room.

Noah followed the sound of his voice and saw Adira, Summer's daughter, helping Asher take everything off the entertainment center. Noah didn't really know Summer's backstory, but knew that something happened a long time ago and resulted in Summer having Adi. Asher didn't care about the past and had fallen in love with both of them quickly and now he was soon going to be a part of the family.

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