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Thanksgiving, Five Months Later

Summer and Asher were hosting a huge Thanksgiving dinner for the whole clan. That meant that Matt and Jenna, Damon and Raelyn, Reed and Kinsley, and Noah and Natalie showed up. All the Wagners were invited, but of course, they were doing something with their family and there were no hard feelings. Adira bounced around the room going from adult to adult and telling wild stories of when she stayed with Reed and Kinsley while her mom and new dad were on their honeymoon.

"-Reed let me have a cookie when it was past my bedtime!" She told Natalie.

Asher, who heard the statement, glared at Reed, who shrugged and grinned.

Natalie was content with the people around her. She had gained her trust back with Noah and they were a very happy couple.

Damon joked around and called them N&N for Noah and Natalie, instead of the M&M candy.

It was after the meal, so everyone was hanging around the backyard, making the most of the fall weather before winter hit.

"If y'all don't have plans," Summer started, "We can order pizza tonight and have a bonfire."

Everyone cheered.

Natalie was talking with Jenna about Jenna's baby name ideas since Jenna only had a couple weeks left of her pregnancy. Noah walked up to her and started twirling Natalie's curls in his fingers. "Hey."

Jenna stopped talking and grinned.

Natalie smiled, "Yes?" She asked without looking at him.

Noah smirked, "Wanna go destroy Reed and Kinsley in a cornhole game?"

"I heard that!" Kinsley yelled.

Natalie laughed, "Sure why not. Jenna, are you okay with that? Sorry to cut this short."

Jenna waved it off, "Go ahead, I need to sit down anyways."

Noah stopped messing with Natalie's hair and grabbed her hand, "Come on I really wanna win this. Reed and Kinsley are so competitive, it would be great to beat them."

"Oh boy, so this isn't your leisurely game of cornhole?"

"Naw, this is an Olympic cornhole."

"I see."

They joined Reed and Kinsley. "Ready to be crushed?" Reed asked, tossing a beanbag up and down in the air.

"You were talking to Kinsley right?" Noah tossed a comeback at Reed.


Natalie had never been in a more competitive game of cornole, they played best of five, but Reed and Kinsley came out winning the series 3-2.

"In your face Noah." Kinsley grinned.

"I could always beat you in football though Kinsley."

"Right. You keep telling yourself that."

Noah laughed. Natalie grinned. "I like your competitive streak."

He turned, "You do?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I love it. I love you."

Noah never tired of hearing those words come out of her mouth.

He bent down on one knee and smiled, "I love you too." Pulling a ring out of his pocket, Noah couldn't contain his grin, "So marry me?"

Natalie's eyes widened, "Stop. No way. Are you serious?"

"Yes ma'am."

"You're going to make me cry."

"So is that a yes?"

Natalie nodded quickly. "Of course it is."

Noah slid the ring on her finger, stood up and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Kinsley whooped, "At least you won at something."

Natalie laughed and dissolved into Noah's strong embrace. 

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