Chapter 17

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Noah glared at Vincent. At this point, his priorities were keeping him and Natalie alive.

Vincent laughed, "You trusted me all along. You sure do have trust problems. I guess that's what you get for living too easy of a life. I would rather you rot in jail for the rest of your life, but right now, killing you seems best because I have to make a quick getaway."

Noah saw the other firefighters getting really close. They didn't know that Vincent was trying to hurt them, not help them.

Vincent clicked the safety off his gun.

"Natalie, I forgive you." Noah coughed. He might as well get his last words out while he could. 

Flames started to make an even smaller circle around Noah, so there was no getting away, even if he had the strength to stand.

I love you, Lord.

Natalie stirred.

Vincent smiled and pulled the trigger.

Natalie shouted and kicked at Vincent.

The gunshot that was supposed to go to his head, went straight through Noah's side.

He screamed in pain.

Natalie bolted upright. "Noah!"

Vincent tried to get away but some of the firefighters noticed what was going on and they tackled him to the ground. The others scrambled to Natalie and Noah.

Noah was pretty sure he saw Josh pick up Natalie and run towards the front door, Natalie screaming his name. "Noah!"

Before he passed out from blood loss, smoke inhalation, and pain, Noah felt Lincoln and Lillian grab his arms and lift.


Natalie remembered the fire. The gunshots. Passing out. Seeing Vincent about to kill Noah. Kicking Vincent. Noah getting shot.

Did she save him?

Where was she?

Where was Noah?

"Noah." She whispered as she opened her eyes and was met with bright lights.

"Shh. Don't talk."

At the voice, Natalie stirred. "Where am I?"

"In an ambulance. I'm Nicole Tanner. Your paramedic."

"Where's Noah?"

"In another ambulance. We're going to the hospital." Nicole replied softly.

"Is he going to be okay? He got shot."

Nicole shook her head, "It's too early to know, but I'm praying he'll be fine."

Natalie closed her eyes. Please God, let him be okay.


Natalie woke up a day later in a hospital bed, with clean clothes on. She was tired and exhausted and her lungs hurt every time she talked.

And no one would tell her anything about Noah.

A slight rap on her door had her sitting straight up. "Come in."

The door opened and Raelyn peeked her head in. "Hey."


Raelyn sat in the chair next to Natalie's bed. "How's it going?"

"Fine." Natalie whispered. "My voice hurts."

"Makes sense." Raelyn cracked her knuckles. "You never told me that Vincent was the fire Captain and that he had threatened you. And that you figured out he wanted Noah dead. Why not?"

"He told me that he would kill anyone who found out and I didn't want you to die. And how did you learn this?"

"Noah told me."

"Noah? He's awake? Is he okay?" Natalie bubbled over with questions.

"He's awake. Did no one tell you?" Raelyn asked.

Natalie sipped some water from the glass next to her bed. "No."

"He's going to be fine. You can probably go see him in a little bit."

Natalie brightened at the thought of that. But there was business to discuss. "What happened to Vincent?"

"They arrested him for shooting Noah and just a little bit ago Noah gave his statement explaining what had happened. I told the detectives that you had more to add and proof that Vincent was wrong in suspecting Noah guilty of dealing counterfeit bills. Oh, and they also found a car in Vincent's garage all banged up in the front, explaining that Vincent was the one who ran Noah off the road." Raelyn told her.

"So they arrested Vincent and Noah is innocent. What about his house?" Natalie asked quietly, for her voice was starting to hurt.

Raelyn winced. "Burned to the ground. But he has insurance."

"When can I see him?" Natalie asked.

"I'll go ask someone." Raelyn stood, "I'll be right back."

Natalie waved at her and waited patiently. Twenty minutes later, Raelyn was still gone. What was taking her so long?

Finally, there was a knock on her door. Natalie swallowed before saying "Come on in." As loud as her voice allowed.

The door opened and the first thing that Natalie saw was Noah's handsome face and charming smile.

A nurse was pushing him in a wheelchair. "I'll leave you two alone." The nurse said when he saw Natalie's exuberant smile.

Noah carefully steered his wheelchair next to Natalie's bed. Natalie climbed out of her bed and helped Noah stand. "Here, sit on my bed. It's more comfortable than the chair."

"Thanks." Noah's voice was raspy as well.

Slowly, Natalie helped Noah adjust to a more comfortable position. He had gotten the brunt end of the injuries. All she had was a few minor burns on the arms and a sore throat. "How are you?" She asked when he had finally relaxed. Natalie sat across from him on the bed.

Noah grimaced. "I'm sore. My calf is healing well, they said. It was only a second degree burn. My side is another story. It didn't hit a major artery, but it hurts."

Natalie frowned. "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be. You saved me. If you hadn't kicked Vincent, he would have killed me. Thank you."

Natalie smiled. "You're welcome."

"Also," Noah hesitated. "I forgive you."

Her breath hitched, "You do?"

"Of course I do. I know it may seem weird because we've only gone on a couple dates, but you're very special to me. We have a special connection."

"Like surviving a fire?" She grinned.

"Sure, that."

Natalie sobered. "But I don't deserve to be special to you. I lied."

Noah nodded, "You did. But, I'm willing to give you a second chance and trust you again because I believe that you can gain that trust back."

"I will gain it back. I promise. But what about your house?"

"Josh said I could live with him while I look for a new place." Noah answered.

"That was nice of him."

"Yeah." Noah coughed a little bit. "Hey Natalie?"

Natalie stared deep into his brown eyes. "Yeah?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Natalie gaped at him, then broke into a beautiful smile, "Yes."

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