Chapter 16

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Natalie followed behind Noah as he led her to the back door. "Thanks."

Noah opened the door for her. "No problem."

Natalie stepped outside. So much for that. Noah hadn't even forgiven her. And, he didn't even believe her.

She heard a faint clicking sound and looked up. She scanned around and her eyes landed on something resting atop the fence.

A gun.

Springing into action, Natalie turned and shoved Noah inside, slamming the sliding door closed behind them. "Get down."

Noah gaped at her. "Excuse me?"

Natalie heard the pop and pushed Noah to the floor, just as the glass door shattered. "I said get down!"

Noah grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the windows, "Go to the basement."

"Why? We need to get out of here!"

"No, we go to the basement where there are no windows and call the police. There's no use keeping it a secret now."

"But if the shooter comes inside we'll be trapped." Natalie countered.

Noah grumbled something she couldn't hear and tugged her towards the staircase. Together, they sped down the stairs.

Natalie slammed the basement door shut. "This is not good."

Noah sunk into one of the couches. "No it's not."

Pacing the floor, Natalie whipped out her phone and dialed 911. She told the dispatcher Noah's address and then explained the situation.

"Stay on the line with me please."

"Of course." Natalie was about to say something when she heard the call drop. And the lights turn off.

"Great." Noah groaned. They cut the power and my cell service. Now what?"

"The dispatcher knows where we are so they'll send someone." Natalie turned on her phone flashlight and walked towards Noah. "Do you believe me now?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry I doubted you."

"You're forgiven."


Natalie sighed. "They must have cut your air conditioner too because it's hot in here."

"It's not usually hot down here. The basement is always cool." Noah replied.

Natalie heard a loud roar and crackling and her eyes widened. "It's hot down here because your house is on fire."

They were in trouble.


Noah almost swore. "What?"

Natalie nodded. "Yeah, they're trying to burn us alive."

How could she keep her cool in a time like this? "We need to get out of here then."

"That would be best."

Noah quickly stood and grabbed Natalie's hand, pulling her towards the stairs. He felt her hand shaking in his, but said nothing. "Come on, we gotta get out of here."

Natalie didn't move. "What if they're trying to lure us out because they'll just shoot us? Vincent is a fire captain, he probably set a particular arson fire that will smoke us out so we leave the house and then get shot."

"We're going to have to take our chances." Noah tugged her. "Natalie, please."

"Fine." She scrambled up the stairs behind him. She passed the bottom stairs just as the ceiling caved in.

Natalie screamed and jumped to Noah, who pulled her close. "We have to get out of here."

She coughed in the smoke, "You think?"

Noah placed the back of his hand to the basement door at the top of the steps. It was warm. "Oh no."

"What?" Natalie rasped.

"The door is warm, there's fire behind it."

Natalie looked behind her at the stairs that were slowly being licked up by flames. "Why did you have to pick wood stairs? We have to move or we'll get burned."

The flames rose higher and Noah felt Natalie press closer to him. A small whimper escaped her lips. She was terrified. "Okay, I'm going to open the door. It opens out, so maybe it will move the flames." Yeah, right.

"We're going to have two seconds to run through them, then."

Above the roar of the fire, Noah heard sirens. Thank you, Jesus.

He pushed open the basement door and pulled Natalie out with him. They ran through the flames and made it into a small open area without flames.

Natalie sighed relief but her eyes widened when she looked at down Noah's legs.

Noah gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Your leg."

He looked down and almost lost his balance. His calf had been burned. Bad. "I don't feel it."

"You will in a bit."

Noah frantically looked around. They needed an escape.

As Natalie had predicted, Noah started to feel the burn on his calf. It was searing pain and he immediately took pressure off his right leg. "Ow."

Natalie grimaced. "Are you okay?"

"Not really."

Noah tried to walk but he couldn't put pressure on his leg.

"Lean on me." Natalie said. "Just do it."

Noah leaned a little bit against her and Natalie helped him walk. "Which direction?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm not sure." Natalie inhaled smoke as she looked around and coughed. She coughed again.

And then started to sway.

Noah's eyes widened. "Natalie!"


Natalie felt the house start to spin. She couldn't breathe very well. It was really hot. Very, very hot. 

Noah was yelling something at her.

She was dizzy, really dizzy.

She saw darkness and welcomed it.


Natalie passed out and Noah caught her before she hit the floor.

Between the weight of Natalie, balancing on one leg, and the overwhelming heat, Noah struggled to stay up.

Flames ate up the floor around him.

Noah heard loud sirens around him and people shouting. Firemen. He heard the front door burst open and the sound of stomping boots. It was like a thunderstorm.

"Hey! Over here!" He wheezed.

The flames grew higher and Noah could make out shapes of firefighters coming closer. He was pretty sure that they spotted him because they started moving faster.

Noah started to sway like Natalie had.

He collapsed to the floor.

Someone stood in front of him in a suit. But it wasn't a firefighter.

It was Vincent Santiago.

Vincent had a gun in one hand.

Noah, still with his arms wrapped around Natalie, kicked Vincent with his free leg, trying to not say anything which would use up precious oxygen.

Vincent used one arm and aimed the gun at Noah and the other to pry Natalie away from him.

Noah wrapped his arms tighter around Natalie but didn't move. He wasn't going to let her go. 

So Vincent wanted them both dead.


Through his mask, Vincent said; "I thought you hated Natalie. It sure doesn't look like it."

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