Chapter 10

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Natalie stayed on the phone with Noah. As if the day couldn't get any worse, Noah was being followed. And she gave away that she knew stuff about being tailed and he was curious.

"I'm on the highway just off exit 124." Noah said.

"Okay, keep driving, I'm almost there." Natalie had already texted the police for backup and explained the situation. Now, she just had to make sure Noah didn't get hurt.

She was pretty sure that he either was dealing counterfeit bills and made someone mad, or that he was innocent and someone was trying to get rid of him or frame him for something.

But now she had to focus on keeping him safe.

"Whoa buddy, back it up." Noah's low voice came over the phone.

"What's the matter?" Natalie panicked. This was not good. Her heart rate spiked.

"This guy is getting really close to my car and I don't like it."

"Don't accelerate, he'll run into you."

"How do you know so much about being tailed?"

"It's a long story. Just focus on not dying right now."

"I'm not going to die, Natalie. This guy is just following me."

She wanted to scream. If only he knew. "I'm just being cautious."

"Hey!" Noah shouted.

Natalie pressed down on the gas, trying to get to Noah faster. "What?!"

"He's getting really close to me. He's rolling his window down. And...he's got a gun." Noah's voice was laced with terror.

Natalie felt her stomach drop. "Noah. Just keep driving. Please."

"Why does he have a gun?!" now Noah's voice was angry.

"Noah! Focus on driving!" Natalie finally pulled off the exit and onto the highway Noah was on.

Gunshots could be heard over the phone and Natalie screamed Noah's name.


Noah groaned when he heard the call drop. There was no service out here. "No no no. God, help me out!"

More gunshots could be heard and Noah ducked his head down as much as he could while still maintaining control over his car.

Another gunshot.

The glass on his back window shattered and wind whipped around inside the car.

"Hey!" Noah shouted.

The car pulled close to him and Noah accelerated, despite what Natalie had told him earlier.

Bad idea.

He felt the impact of the car before he registered it. His body was thrown forward and Noah lost control over his car.

He groaned in pain as his rib cage hit the steering wheel and he felt the other car ram into him again. This time with more force. 

Noah screamed as his car flew into the ditch.

He saw the car which had caused him so much trouble speed away before he blacked out from the pain.


Natalie slammed on the brakes when she saw Noah's car at an odd angle in the ditch. The police cruisers and ambulance were right behind her and pulled to a stop as well. Natalie jumped out of her car and slammed the door.

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