Chapter 6

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"You're lying to him."

Natalie flinched at the harshness in Raelyn's tone. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Does he even know you are a PI?"

"He thinks I'm a financial advisor." Natalie mumbled.

Raelyn's eyes widened, "Nat! You and I both know that you should not lie to him."

"But I'm going undercover."

"As his potential girlfriend! He's gonna feel like an idiot when he finds out how you've been lying to him to see if he's dealing counterfeit bills. Natalie, you know better." Raelyn crossed her arms.

Natalie sighed. "I know. But it's only for a little bit. I'll be done by the end of the week."

"And if you aren't?"

"I will be." She assured.

Raelyn didn't seem satisfied. "You better be."

Noah rejoined them. "Are you guys up for a cornhole game?"

Natalie smiled at the handsome man, "Of course."

Raelyn cast a glance at Natalie and her expression did not make Natalie feel any better.


Noah showed up to the station three days later and found it eerily quiet and empty. He set his car keys on the counter and wandered around the station. It was dead quiet, except for the fan in the bathroom which was left on. Why was it so quiet?

Noah assumed they were out on a run, so he decided to go to the kitchen and start making some sandwiches for the shift.

He pulled out the bread and his phone rang. He set the loaf on the counter and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Natalie.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Your house is on fire."

Noah laughed, "What?"

"I'm serious. Your house is on fire." She said blatantly. "Get over here."

"How do you know where I live? Why are you there?"

"Questions later. You need to get over here right now."


Noah looked at his blank phone screen as he pulled it from his ear. "What in the tarnation?" He sighed and grabbed his keys as he hurried out the door.

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at his house, and sure enough, it was burning. Lord, what is going on? My home is on fire!

Noah parked his car a safe distance away and jogged to the scene. Half of his house was engulfed in flames and the other half was fine. His heart pounded. All of his belongings were in there. That was his home.

He spotted Natalie standing by one of the fire trucks with her arms crossed. She was talking on the phone, but hung up when she saw him coming towards her. "Hey."

Noah looked from her, to the burning house, back to her again. "Why is my house on fire? Why are you here? How did you know about it before I did? Is the damage bad?" Noah's anger started to rise.

Natalie noticed and simply looked at his burning house. "I don't know why your house is on fire, but a few firemen around have said that it looks like arson since only half of the house is burning. I'm here because I happened to be driving by the area and saw the fire truck racing this direction and I was curious, then it happened to be your house, or so one of the firemen said. I'm as surprised as you are that you didn't know before me. The damage doesn't look too bad right now, just the side of the house is causing a lot of smoke."

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