Chapter 13

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Noah's jaw almost dropped. After all that she had done to hurt him, she was going to ask for cash? "You're joking."

Natalie shook her head. "No I'm not." She sighed. "I know what I did was awful and horrible and I really am sorry, but this could clear your name from someone who I believe wants you in federal prison."

Noah searched her face. She seemed genuine, but how was he to know? She had lied to him for the past weeks. "Why should I care what you believe? And how am I to know you really are sorry, what if you're just lying again?"

Natalie crossed her arms. "I promise you I really am sorry. And you should care what I believe because it means that you're proven innocent and someone will stop trying to hurt you."

"Setting fire to my house is hardly an act of hurting me." Noah retorted.

"I suppose being shot at and being run off the road is hardly an act of hurting you too, then." Natalie locked eyes with him, daring him to go on. "Please just give me a little bit of your cash. I'll give it right back. And never talk to you again if you want."

Noah wasn't sure how he liked the sound of that. Yes, his pride was hurt for being lied to like that, but he liked her. He didn't want to never have to see her again. However, the real Natalie might be someone he didn't like.

Who was he kidding?

He'd probably like her no matter what.

"So?" Natalie cocked her head.

Noah ran a palm down his face. "Fine. But you don't have to never talk to me again."

Her expression brightened. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me. I'll be able to prove to my client that you are innocent."

Noah couldn't help but smile at her excitement. "You're welcome."

He gave her some of his cash and she bagged it, then put it in her purse. "Thanks, and see you around." She gave a small wave.

Noah remembered that he was supposed to be angry at her so he just turned and walked away.


Natalie dropped her hand to her side. "Alrighty then." She mumbled.

She shouldn't be ungrateful. Noah let her borrow some cash. That was more than she could ask for. Now, she just needed to find a way out of the fire station.

After taking several wrong turns, she ran smack into Lillian. "Oh! Sorry I didn't see you there."

Lillian moved to the side, "You're fine. Next time, watch where you're going." And she stalked off without another word.

Natalie raised her eyebrows. "Hmm."

She found herself going in more circles. Apparently the fire station was bigger than she thought. That and a combination of not being able to think straight. Maybe she should ask someone for directions.

Spotting an office, Natalie knocked on the door. "Hello?"

She heard a low "Come in."

Natalie opened the door and let herself in. "Hi, I was just visiting here and I got lost. Could you direct me out?"

The broad shouldered man in the office nodded, "Of course, it's just out this door, down the hall and then take a right."

"Thanks..." She trailed off. The man's voice sounded really familiar. She looked at the plaques on the wall. He was the Captain of the station. She looked around again and her eyes settled on a gold nameplate.

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