Showing them what I can do.

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About 10 months had passed. Izuku was training harder than ever before he wasn't trying to raise his limit, he wanted to use his quirks to their fullest extent. All might had also given mirio one for all. It was now time for the entrance exam and the trashed beach was now clean.

"Well young midoriya, this is it. Good luck, however I doubt you'll need it." All might said to Izuku who nodded "Yeah, don't worry. I won't let you down." Izuku then left the beach to go to U.A.

Once Izuku had gotten there he saw a huge crowd 'man, I forgot how big this place was. Wait... What happens before I go in-' Izuku tripped 'Oh yeah...' Izuku awaited the impact but realized he never hit the ground 'wait... Don't tell me!' "Hehe are you okay?" That voice... Izuku recognized it immediately, it was Ochako Uraraka "I stopped you with my quirk, I'm sorry I didn't ask first, it would be bad luck to fall before the exam." Ochako said "Oh uh... Th-Thank you for uh... Saving me." Izuku was at a loss for words. It had been so long since he had last seen her, and yet she was still as beautiful as he remembered "Well I guess I'll see you inside. Bye!" She then ran off waving with Izuku doing the same. Izuku then slapped himself in the face 'Stupid brain! That's the best you could come up with!? Well it has been a really long time.' Izuku then walked into the building.

"HELLO ALL EXAMINEES! ARE YOU ALL READY FOR THE U.A ENTRANCE EXAM? IF SO GIVE ME A YEAH!" Silence "TOUGH CROWD EH? THAT'S FINE I'LL GET STRAIGHT TO THE MAIN SHOW." A screen showed up revealing 4 robots "IN THE PRACTICAL THERE WILL BE 3 TYPES OF FAUX VILLAINS THAT WILL GIVE YOU POINTS. THE HIGHER THE POINTS, THE MORE DIFFICULT THE ROBOTS WILL BE TO DEFEAT-" Present mic was cut off by someone raising his hand. Izuku knew who it was and knew he was about to complain "Pardon the interruption, but on the pamphlet you gave us and on the screen there is 4 robots. If this is a mistake then U.A must be ashamed of themselves. And especially you with the messed up hair!" Izuku looked at him with confusion 'What did I do now!?' Izuku wondered "You've been writing in her book instead of paying attention, if you can't bother to take this seriously then you should leave!" Iida said to Izuku making him close his notebook "Sorry about that, is this better?" Izuku asked "much better, thank you for understanding." Iida then sat back down. "EXAMINEE, I WAS ABOUT TO GET TO THAT, BUT THANK YOU FOR POINTING IT OUT. THE LAST ROBOT GRANTS 0 POINTS, IT'S MORE OF AN OBSTACLE YOU SHOULD AVOID. IT'S NOT THAT YOU CAN'T DEFEAT IT, THERE'S JUST KIND OF NO POINT." present mic finished What he was saying with Iida apologizing for the interruption. "ALRIGHT EXAMINEES, HERE'S AN EXAMPLE OF OUR SCHOOL MOTTO. WHENEVER YOU FEEL CORNERED OR OUTMATCHED JUST KNOW LIMITS CAN ALWAYS BE SURPASSED. NOW GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!"

After the written exam Izuku and the rest were taken to a fake city. There he saw Ochako and his love instinct took over 'wait... Doesn't Iida stop me from talking to her? No! Not yet... Not right now at least.' Izuku looked at his hand and clenched it 'I have a chance no one else has, if I screw it up everything and everyone I love will die. So I have to do everything in my power to avoid telling her.' Izuku was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't realize everyone had already gone ahead of him 'Oh crap! One for all full cowling at 25%!' Izuku rushed in and tried to find some robots. 'The 4ths danger sense!' Izuku used danger sense to find some robots and found a group of 2 and 1 pointers 'St. Louis smash!' Izuku kicked the robots making a relatively large amount of wind pressure to go throughout the city 'I have to suppress myself so I don't accidentally destroy any buildings. So I should use one for all at 15%' Izuku readjusted full cowling to 15% and went off to find some more. He eventually found some 3 pointers and used blackwhip to form the robots into a giant black ball and used a 20% detroit smash to destroy them. 'That should be about 45 points. Have to find some more.' Izuku then heard some rumbling and saw the zero pointer "I forgot how huge this thing was! But that doesn't matter, I need to get some more points." Izuku was about to run off to get some more points when he heard a cry 'wait... It's all coming back... That zero pointer..." Izuku clenched his teeth 'HURT HER!' Izuku adjusted full cowling to 45% along with fa jin. "FAUX 100% ST. LOUIS SMASH!!!!" Izuku kicked the robot in the head obliterating it. "The 7ths float!" Izuku slowly floated down to the ground and got the debris off of Ochako "Are you okay?" Izuku asked "Yeah... I'm fine, its just my leg that's hurt." Ochako said holding her crushed ankle "Don't worry, I'll heal you." Recovery girl said coming out of nowhere, then she kissed her on the head making her leg heal instantly "You healed me, but why am I so tired all of a sudden?" Ochako asked "My quirk allows anyone to heal at an accelerated rate, but it also requires the use of their stamina." Recovery girl said "Oh, ok. Well thank you again, and thank you for saving me from that 0 pointer." Ochako said to Izuku "O-Oh uh thanks... It was nothing." Izuku said watching Ochako leave the exam then he too left.

A week later...

Izuku was in his room lifting weights when his mother came in on all fours "I-I-Izuku! Its here the letter from U.A!" Inko said giving Izuku the letter. "Thanks mom." Izuku closed the door and sat at his desk 'If the entrance exam was also based on rescue points, then that means I would get a minimum of at least 80. Considering I didn't break a single bone in my body.' Izuku opened the letter and saw that he was indeed right. However he got a little more then 80, and got 93 points in all. Izuku was happy to see that he did much better than originally. And was excited that he was the freshman representative. Then a thought came to him 'what about Kacchan?' Izuku wondered about the question but decided to ignore it. He went outside to his mother and smiled letting her know he got in. His mother then hugged him with tears of joy running down her cheeks.

To be continued


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