I... Couldn't Save You...

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I'm sick of always having no motivation. Whether I like it or not, I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS DAMN STORY!

Deku was lifting weights in his room, while its true he was excited... He was also scared.

(The training camp... One of the worst parts of my life... But also the turning point for Kacchan. Either way. I think I'll be able to save him this time. And keep all for one from attempting to kill all might.) Deku continued lifting the weight.

Then went on to do pushups, sit ups, and plenty other exercises.

After he was done, he laid on his bed. Wondering if something had at least changed.


Class 1-A gathered around the bus that would lead them to the training camp.

"Now. Before you forget. Even though all of you are going, a few of you will still have to be dealing with extra lessons from me." Aizawa stated, and the ones who failed looked down in shame.

(Ah man...) A few of them thought. "Well. C'mon, we don't have all day." Aizawa stated, and all of the students got on the school bus.

30 minutes later...

The bus had stopped, almost everyone was confused. They still weren't even close to the camp.

"IS THIS THE REST STOP! PLEASE TELL ME IT IS, I GOTTA GO!" Mineta yelled out, but was confused, when all he saw was a Cliffside.

"We'll be joined by a few heroes in a little bit. Be patient." Aizawa demanded.

It was then a car showed up, and out stepped 2 members of the wild wild pussycats.

"This is Mandalay, and Pixie-Bob. They will be part of your training." Aizawa said, as the 2 members got into a pose.

(Mandalay... I'll make sure ragdoll doesn't lose her quirk.) Deku thought, looking at his fist.

Ochako took notice of that. "Deku... Are you okay?" She asked, Deku looked at her with a look of worry... Then had a smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine, I promise." Deku responded.

Even though he knows what happens, it doesn't make up for the fact... That he has to relive this.

Mandalay then pointed towards the forest. "The summer camp you're staying at is over there! Make sure you make it there in under 3 hours. Unless you might go hungry." Mandalay stated.

"Wait... What do you mean by that...?" Kaminari asked, and Aizawa gained a grin.

"No... Don't tell me...!" Sero started. "EVERYONE BACK TO THE BUS!!!" Kirishima yelled, as almost the whole class was trying to pile on.

"Little do you know... The training has already started." Aizawa said.

The ground around the students started turning into mud, then weird muddy hands suddenly pushed all of them off.

Deku activated full cowling whilst falling, along with float. He then used blackwhip to grab all of his classmates and set them slowly on to the ground.

"Whoa! Thanks for the save Midoriya!" Kirishima said, and Deku smiled.

"No problem Kirishima!" Deku responded.

"WHERE'S THE DAMN BATHROOM?!?!?!?!?! FORGET IT! I'LL JUST GO IN THE FOREST!" Mineta yelled, running into the woods.

"Mineta Wait!!!" Deku yelled out. But, it was too late. The grape haired midget had already gone into the forest.

Seconds later, a loud scream, along with a monstrous roar came from out of the forest.

All of a sudden, Mineta then came flying out of the forest and hit a tree.

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