I'm stronger this time.

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Deku had woken up and went outside to see Gran Torino up, "Hey kid, get enough sleep last night?" Deku nodded "Yeah, I think I had too much actually." Deku said scratching the back of his head. Then someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Deku opened it to see a mail man with a package, Deku took it and gave it to Gran Torino, he opened it and revealed a new microwave.

'Oh yeah, Gran Torino accidentally broke his microwave when we were sparring yesterday.' Deku set up the microwave and Gran Torino got some fish "Taiyaki? We're eating that for breakfast?" Deku said "Well we have to eat up, after all we're going on patrol today." Gran Torino said surprising Deku a little bit "I hope Iida listened to me." He mumbled "What was that?" Gran Torino asked "O-Oh nothing!" Deku said "I'll tell you what kid, after we eat breakfast we'll spar for a bit. Also I won't allow you to use any of your quirks, that way you'll have better reaction time and be able to predict your opponents moves."Gran Torino said making Deku smile "That would be excellent!" Deku said and got to eating as soon as the frozen pastry was done.

After the 2 of them were finished eating, Deku put on his hero costume and stood in front of Gran Torino. "You ready kid?" He asked "Yes, I'm ready." Deku answered then Gran Torino started jumping around, Deku tried following with his eyes but he was moving too fast to see. 'Focus, he's moving too fast to see. So if you analyze his pattern you might be able to predict where he's going to go.' Deku listened to where Gran Torino's footsteps were and heard him bounce from the back left of the wall. He opened his eyes and punched in that direction, Gran Torino narrowly dodged and stopped jumping.

"That kid, that is what you want to do. If someone is moving too fast for you to see, then focus on their footsteps instead of using your eyes. That way you'll be able to predict where they're going to go. We'll try again tomorrow, until then get a bit of rest." Gran Torino said and Deku nodded and sat down on the couch. He got out his weight and started lifting it 'Stain will still be in hosu, and I'm pretty sure the nomus will be there too... I'll ask Gran Torino if I could help endeavor with the nomus, and then I'll check up on that alley. That's going to be my plan." Deku put down the weight and started doing pushups.

A little bit later it was time for the 2 of them to go patrolling, Deku put on his costume and followed Gran Torino out the door. They then went to the train station and got on. "Gran Torino... I know what's going to happen, and I know that it's not going to be good. So I'll ask you if you can give me permission to fight." Deku whispered to Gran Torino, "alright kid, I give you permission to fight." He responded.

While on the train Deku texted Iida to make sure he didn't go after stain, however Iida never responded. 'Great, it looks like he didn't listen to me. This fight was a huge pain when I first was gaining control, but now.' Deku's eyes flashed green 'I know I can defeat you.' Deku put his phone away and waited for the events to begin.

A few minutes had passed and an announcement played on the speaker. "Hello passengers, we currently have something going on so please be wary as we make our way to the stop-" the announcement was cut off by a sudden *CRASH* Deku looked and saw a pro hero and a Nomu. "Is this what you were talking about kid!?" Gran Torino exclaimed. "Yeah, it is! And look over there!" Deku pointed in a direction and Gran Torino saw a massive fire. "If we don't take care of that then people will die!" Deku yelled. "I know kid! I'll take care of this thing here! You go and find out what's going on!" Gran Torino said and Deku nodded activated full cowling and float and made his way to the battle currently going on.

Deku eventually arrived and saw endeavor fighting one of the stronger nomus, "endeavor! You won't be able to take that thing down by yourself! I'll help you out!" Deku yelled "are you kidding!? No! I don't need help, especially not from a child!" Endeavor yelled, "Endeavor listen just this once! You've always wanted to be the greatest hero, almost everyone knows that! But just because you're strong doesn't mean their isn't someone out there stronger than you. I know it's frustrating but it doesn't matter how strong you get, there will always be someone better than you." Deku said making endeavor look at him "I hate to admit it but you're right, alright then... Help me with these strange creatures!" Endeavor said and Deku flicked at the Nomu causing it to get off balance, he then used blackwhip to grab the Nomu and slam it on the ground. "Endeavor, I'll be back soon! I have to go somewhere!" Deku yelled "alright kid! I'll handle these guys!" Deku then ran off into the alleyway to look for Iida.

Iida was on patrol with manual when he asked him a question "I think you know why you chose me, you knew the hero killer was in hosu and you knew I was in his so you decided to choose me and go after the hero killer. Am I wrong?" Manual asked "Y-Yes, you are wrong. I chose you to perfect my skills and abilities." Iida said "Uh-huh, oh hey I think I see something going on. Let's go!" Manual said and they started running until reaching an alley, Iida stopped and saw stain about to stab a pro hero, Iida walked towards him "Hero Killer!" Iida yelled and stain turned his attention to him.

"What do you want?" Stain asked nonchalant "I want vengeance! I am the brother of a great hero who you attacked! And because of that, hero killer... I will end your reign here!" Iida charged at stain but he dodged, he tried to kick him again but stain sliced him and licked Iidas blood that was on his blade, paralyzing him. "Your eyes, you're full of rage, hatred, vengeance. I must've done something to someone you love. Oh well, you won't live too much longer anyways." Stain lifted up his sword and was about to stab Iida... Until... "SMASHHHHHHH!" Deku came out of nowhere and kicked stain in the jaw causing him to go flying into a wall. "M-Midoriya-" "SHUT UP! I tried to warn you! But you didn't listen! I get you're mad at the hero killer, BUT YOU SHOULDN'T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN FINISHING HIM! LET THE HEROES DO THAT!" Deku yelled as stain was getting back up, "I like you kid, you got some spunk." Stain said "I know what it means to be a hero, it's not about money, it's not about fame, it's about helping people even when they don't want it." Deku said making stain smile.

"You're the real deal huh? If you run away now, I'll let you live. But I can't say the same for these 2." Deku gritted his teeth, he knew he couldn't run with the 2 of them even though he's quick on his feet. He got into a fighting position and activated Fa Jin. "I know my chances of winning are slim, but it's fine. Heroes always risk their lives in order to turn their promises into reality." Deku said "I gave you a choice." Stain said, he then rushed towards Deku and sliced his blade, Deku narrowly dodged it and jumped into the air, "Delaware SMASH!" he flicked his finger towards stain causing a bunch of wind pressure pushing stain back, he got onto the ground and got behind him. Stain looked behind and threw his blade there only to see Deku in the air with a punch ready "20% detroit SMASH!" Deku hit stain with a 20% smash putting him onto the ground.

"I doubt I finished him, I'll have to keep my guard up and not get caught by that weird quirk of his." Deku waited for stain to get up and texted his location to every friend he had. As soon as he texted it to them stain slashed at Deku's leg and he fell. Stain then licked his the blood on his blade and paralyzed Deku.

"You put up a good fight kid, you've gained my respect. Although I'm still killing these guys." Stain said with his sword at Iida's head 'If... If I can focus, I can use blackwhip to capture him.' Deku attempted lifting his hand with all he had, he then channeled in blackwhip and grabbed onto stains sword as soon as it was about to hit Iida. "What... Is this?" Stain asked "Its one of my other quirks, blackwhip is it's name." Deku then activated smokescreen causing a whole bunch of smoke around the area. Deku tried with all his might to break out of the paralysis and managed to escape. He then pinpointed stain with danger sense and went to his max "50% Detroit SMASHHHHHHH!" Deku had punched stain with all his might causing him to get knocked out. "Jeez, I don't know why I didn't use that earlier. At least I saved Iida." Deku grabbed stain, Iida, and that one hero, and came out of the alleyway.

One hero noticed Deku and ran towards him "Is that the hero killer?!" He asked and Deku nodded, "how'd you manage that kid?" The hero asked "I have a lot of experience in combat." Deku said "and yes, I did get permission to fight." Deku said before the hero could ask "Okay, good. I guess I'll be taking him off your hands." The hero then took stain from Deku and Todoroki arrived on the scene.

After an explanation of why Deku sent him his location Todoroki wasn't surprised. "I'm not surprised you were able to defeat the hero killer, you are the strongest in 1-A after all. Come on, let's go back to our internships." Todoroki said and Deku nodded.

To be continued...

Look my mind isn't really in the right place currently, so that's why this looks rushed. Hope you have a good day.

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