"Uraraka... You are a hero."

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Deku and Shinso staring at each other, both not saying a word. "You know, I've always been told I have a villainous quirk, that I've been told I'm an outcast, an unlucky brat. Well I'm going to prove them wrong by beating you." Deku stood there 'He's trying to make me talk to him, but I won't fall for it!' Deku shot blackwhip at shinso surprising him. However he dodged in the nick of time. "Come on! Tell me why you were born so lucky!" Shinso demanded only for Deku to shoot out another tendril and for him to dodge it, Deku then decided to end then match "SMASH!" Deku kicked the air causing wind pressure and pushing shinso out of bounds.

Deku walked up to shinso and offered a hand "I know what your quirk is, and I want you to know that it is a good quirk, you can be a hero even if you have a villainous power. You just have to work hard and believe in yourself." Deku said smiling, shinso sheepishly smiled and took his hand "Thanks. Izuku Midoriya." Shinso said "Call me Deku-" he was then brainwashed making shinso smirk. "If you let your guard down you're going to be beaten. Let this be a lesson to you. You better not lose this festival and make me look bad." Shinso said getting Deku out of his brainwash, Deku nodded his head in determination.

Deku went up to the stands to watch the rest of his classmates fight. The next ones to go were mina and aoyama, mina win relatively easily. Then it was Iida vs Hatsume. Hatsume basically just turned the fight into an overly long advertisement. Next up was Sero vs Todoroki, Sero tried to throw Todoroki out of bounds but lets just say Todoroki turned him into ice cream. Next up after that was Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu, since they are practically equal in strength it went on for a while, it was a draw until it eventually ended in an arm wrestle in which Kirishima was the winner.

And the final match of the beginning rounds was Deku's least favorite in the entire festival... Ochako Uraraka vs Katsuki Bakugo. Deku was not looking forward to this. He went to Ochako's waiting room and knocked "come in." She said and Deku walked in "Hey, I guess I'm fighting Bakugo... He wouldn't go all out on a girl would he?" Ochako asked Deku who shook his head "No, he would. I've known Kacchan longer than anyone here, and if there is anything I know him better at its him using his quirk to take down his opponent. But don't worry! I have a strategy on how you can beat him!" Deku flipped through the pages in his notebook until he landed on data all about her. "You can try and catch him off guard and float him out of bounds! The easiest way to catch him off guard is to make him overuse his quirk, once that happens if you try and trick him he'll not only be vulnerable but completely open! Oh and one more thing, he always starts off with a right hook." Ochako smiled at Deku "You know Deku, you really are amazing. But I'm good." Ochako said getting up "I really appreciate the help... But this is my fight, I don't want it to seem unfair that I got help from my best friend. But I will remember that right hook." Ochako said smiling "I understand. Good luck out there, I'll be rooting for you." Deku said giving a thumbs up then Ochako was called to the arena "See you in the finals Deku." Ochako said also giving Deku a thumbs up and then leaving, Deku was standing there giving a thumbs up to no one. He then left the room and went up to the stadium.

With Ochako...

Ochako was staring at Katsuki while Katsuki stared back at her. "Alright! Are fighters ready?" Midnight asked and they both nodded. "BEGIN!" Ochako began the fight by rushing towards Katsuki, Katsuki tried to hit her with a right hook but she dodged and attempted to touch Katsuki only for him to blast her away. She got back up and rushed towards him again, he went for another blast and she dodged it again, this time the blast created a dust cloud. Katsuki saw her running towards him and blasted it expecting her to fly away only to see her jacket. She appeared behind him and attempted one more touch but she got flown back. She landed in exhaustion but sheepishly got back up and smirked "what's she smiling about?" Katsuki wondered to himself and looked up to see a bunch of rocks in the air "While you were distracted, I floated a bunch of rocks in order to surprise you..." Ochako then clasped her hands together releasing everything she floated up into the air and rushed at Katsuki one more time. Katsuki put one hand into the air while holding it and blew up all of the rocks, creating a shockwave strong enough to push her back. She got back up though with difficulty, and rushed towards Katsuki again, however all of the adrenaline in her body ran out... And she collapsed. "Uraraka is... Incapacitated, that means Bakugo goes onto the next round!"

Deku had his hair covering his eyes, he forgot how brutal it was for him to watch this fight. He got up and went to her waiting room. Coincidentally by walking he ran into endeavor "Oh there you are, I've been looking for you." Endeavor said "Hi Endeavor." Deku said sheepishly "You have an incredible quirk, you were able to create so much wind pressure from just a kick. I've come here to ask a request for you. Give Shoto a good fight." Endeavor said "Don't worry, I will. But before you go I have something to tell you." Deku said catching Endeavors attention "I am not all might. And neither is Todoroki. He may be your son, but he isn't you. I've heard about what you did to his family. And all I have to say is... Be a good father, I know you want your son to be the next number 1 hero, but forcing him to train at a young age, driving his mother insane, making him traumatized, it's all the signs of an abusive father. So I want you to change, apologize to your family, and be the father your son wished you were." Deku then continued walking leaving Endeavor in shock.

Deku eventually made it to Ochako's room and knocked "come in." Deku went in "Hey Deku... I guess I lost huh..." Ochako then began to tear up "I can't believe it... What if that was a villain... Would I even be here anymore? What would my parents think!? What if I'm not supposed to be a hero!?" Ochako said tearing up and Deku hugged her "Uraraka... You are a hero." Deku said and Ochako teared up even more. "I need to go get ready for my next match... I'll see you later." Deku said leaving the waiting room with a smile. Ochako held her chest 'I don't know why but... Everytime he's near me... I feel safe... I feel like I can do anything... He gives me a reason to go on... It's like he always knows what to say when something bad has happened. I think I know what this feeling in my heart is... I love him.' Ochako thought slightly blushing at the thought 'OH WHY DID I THINK THAT!?' She then covered her face and floated to the ceiling.

To be continued...

Yes yes I know this is a little bit different to the actual story, but this is an alternate timeline. Anything can change.

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