"I am here."

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Deku was sleeping in recovery girl's room for over an hour until she finally came in. "Oh good, you're awake, well I have some good news for you: your injuries have been completely healed which means you can go home." Recovery girl said to Deku "Thanks, but... What time is it?" Deku asked "Its past 7 pm. Now go on." Recovery girl said and Deku got up and left.

Deku was walking to the train station and didn't see really anything of interest. 'So all might was able to take down the Nomu without much problem, which means his limit didn't go down. I'm glad I was able to help him that time. Now I have to worry about the sports festival. I don't really care about winning this time. As long as I can convince Todoroki to use his left side again.' Deku boarded the next train and went home, with his mother hugging him with tears in her eyes. "OHIZUKUYOUSTARTLEDMESOMUCHWHENIGOTACALLFROMTHESCHOOLABOUTHOWINJUREDYOUWEREIWASSOWORRIEDIMSOHAPPYYOUREOK!" (Oh Izuku you startled me so much when I got a call from the school about how injured you were I was so worried I'm so happy you're ok.) Inko said hugging Deku "M-Mom can you p-please let me go I c-can't breathe." Deku said with his face turning purple and Inko let go "Sorry Izuku I was just so worried about you." Inko said "I know mom, but I'm okay. I promise." Deku said going to his room and laying down on his bed.

The next day Deku looked at his phone only to sew how many missed calls he got from his classmates, especially Ochako. 'Guess I should respond to them.' Deku picked up his phone and read every single message and responded to all of them saying 'Don't worry, I'm fine. Thanks for asking :)' but before Deku could respond to Ochako's message he got a call from her 'Wait she's calling me?' Deku answered "Hello?" "Oh Deku! You finally answered!" "Yeah, sorry I didn't call back sooner. I was really tired." "Its fine, hey since we have this week off do you want to do some training?" "Sure! Just tell me where and I'll see if I have time." "It's at the beach that used to be full of trash." "Oh, sure! We can go there. What time?" "How about at 11 am." "Sure, I can do that. See ya soon!" "Yeah see ya!" Deku then hung up and got out of his bed. 'Her voice always makes me happy.' Deku then got dressed and since he had a not of time left he decided to do a bit of training by himself.

Eventually 11 am came around and Deku put his shoes on. "I'm going to the beach to train for a bit!" Deku said "Ok! Just be safe!" Inko said and Deku left.

Deku eventually arrived at the beach and saw Ochako "Hey Uraraka!"Deku said running down the stairs "Oh, hey Deku! You certainly look ready to train." Ochako said "Yeah but are you ready for training?" Deku asked "Of course I am! In fact I also asked Iida! He should be here soon." And right on cue Iida came running through "I am here Midoriya and Uraraka!" Iida said arriving at the beach "Hey Iida! Let's train to the best of our abilities!" Deku said with his fist in the air 'Just don't go after the hero killer again...' Deku thought then they trained.

2 weeks later...

It had now come time for the sports festival. Aizawa had told them about it in homeroom but Deku knew it was coming. As they were getting ready Todoroki approached Deku 'Oh yeah, this is his declaration of war.' Deku listened to what Todoroki had to say "Midoriya, I think it's safe to say that from a standpoint you are a little stronger than me. But don't think I won't go easy on you." Todoroki said "Yeah I know you won't go easy on me, but just so you know I want you to use your full power in order to defeat me. And just so you know, it's your power. Not that bastard of a father endeavors." Deku said with a hint of malice in his voice even though he didn't really mean it. "You're right, it is my power. But I'm still not going to use his side. In battle I will never use it." Todoroki said making Deku's eyes flash bright green for a bit "Todoroki, you do know that if you were in a serious villain fight you would have to use your full power or else you would die." Deku said "I'm not sure you heard me. My ice is far more then enough to defeat any villain." Todoroki said "Hey whoa whoa. What's with these declarations of war all of a sudden? We're supposed to be getting ready for the sports festival." Kirishima said breaking the 2 of them up 'Todoroki is a lot more arrogant this time, so I'll have to force him to use his left side.' Deku thought walking away.

Iida then came bursting through the door "everyone! The sports festival is about to start! Put your game faces on and let's go outside!" Iida said making everyone nod and then they went outside. It had been a while since Deku was at the sports festival but he did remember how big the crowd was. 'All might, this will be my debut. The debut of the next symbol of peace. Thank you for giving me this gift. I won't let you down, not this time.' Deku kept walking along with the rest of the class. "HELLO HELLO HELLO SPORTS FESTIVAL FANS! I'M PRESENT MIC AND THE ONE BESIDE ME IS ERASERHEAD! I WILL BE YOUR HOST FOR THIS YEAR SO LET ME HEAR A YEAH!" "YEAH!" the crowd yelled "WONDERFUL! SO OVER HERE WE HAVE THE HERO COURSES CLASS 1-A AND 1-B, OVER THERE WE HAVE GENERAL STUDIES COURSES 1-C 1-D AND 1-E, SUPPORT COURSES 1-F 1-G AND 1-H. AND FINALLY MANAGEMENT CLASSES 1-I 1-J AND 1-K. LET'S GET A BIG HAND FOR THESE STUDENTS OF U.A!" present mic said and everyone clapped.

"Now for an introductory speech!" Deku knew this voice... He hadn't seen her for a long time after she died in the war. 'It's midnight...' Deku thought looking at her "The freshman representative will be giving us a speech! So come on up here Izuku Midoriya!" Midnight yelled making Deku confused 'oh yeah... I got 1st place this time, I completely forgot.' Deku went up to the pedestal "Hello? Is this thing on? Ok. Uh hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku. I'm here to give it my all in the sports festival, and to make sure I secure the top spot. I want you all to think of this sports festival as my debut. The debut of a new hero. And one more thing: you may have a weak quirk, or worse are quirkless. Don't let that stop you, anyone who has a weak power can still be a hero, you just have to work hard enough, and follow your path! Your path as a hero." Deku finished and the crowd went wild "lovely speech from Izuku Midoriya, now it's time for the sports festival to begin!" Midnight spun the wheel and it landed on obstacle course 'I have to give it my all in this one. Although I will get 10 million points in the cavalry battle I should be able to keep my headband on.' Deku thought walking towards the beginning of the race. "3... 2... 1... START!"

To be continued...

I watched uncharted yesterday.

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