"The league of villains..."

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Deku was on his way to U.A when he saw a bunch of reporters at the gate 'Oh great, the ones who cause an alert around the school.' Deku kept walking and the reporters spotted him "Hey kid! What's it like having all might as a teacher?" The reporter asked Deku "Well I mean, he could be better. But it's his 2nd day. In fact I don't even think he's here." Deku said scratching the back of his head "Well if he's not here then where is he?!" The reporter demanded to know "I'm guessing he's fighting a villain, but I don't really know. I have to go inside or else I'll be late. Goodbye." Deku waved goodbye and went inside.

Deku sat at his desk and wrote in his notebook 'I shouldn't forget anything... If I do then the timeline will end up like last time. I have to focus on trying to master every single quirk I have and use it against Shigaraki. If I fail to defeat him then I fail at becoming the number 1 hero.' Deku surprisingly hadn't been muttering the whole time. He kept writing in his notebook until Aizawa came in "Alright everyone, I know you've only been here a couple of days but... You're gonna have to pick a class president." At first the class was silent then all hell broke loose "You should pick me!" "Hell no loser! Pick me!" "I feel like I could be good at it." "Yeah but you don't have many brains." "Hey! That wasn't very nice Jiro!" "Guys guys! Calm down! The only true way to pick a class president is with a democratic vote!" "Um it's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you." "Mr. Aizawa, is this fine with you?" Aizawa got into his sleeping bag "Go ahead, as long as you can decide who's your class president before my nap is over." Iida then passed out pieces of papers to everyone and wrote a different persons name.

Eventually the vote was over and everyone put their sheets to the front. Aizawa woke up and saw the votes. "Izuku Midoriya, you are our class president, and Momo Yaoyorozu, you're the deputy. Class dismissed, go eat lunch." Deku wasn't surprised nor was he scared. He knew he would be picked but he was changed now he knew he could be the class president. He clenched his hand and got up to go to lunch.

Deku sat at his seat waiting for Ochako and Iida, eventually they got to the seat and sat down. "Hey Deku, congrats on being chosen for class president." Ochako said giving a thumbs up to her friend "Thanks Uraraka, I appreciate it." Deku said taking a bite out of his food "Midoriya, I have to admit you certainly have a strong sense of justice, one of the main reasons I voted for you." Iida said to Deku "Well I know you and Uraraka voted for me, but who were the other two?" Deku wondered, this didn't happen in his original timeline "That would be me and Ashido." Deku looked up and saw Kirishima "Hey midoribro, I don't know if we've properly met. I'm Eijiro Kirishima, it's nice to meet you." Kirishima said with a smile "Oh, it's nice to meet you too. But why did you vote for me?" Deku asked "You showed Bakubro that pride only gets you so far. I respect that and that's why I voted for you." Kirishima said "What about Ashido?" Deku asked "She just thinks Bakugo got what he deserved since he's so rude." Kirishima said making Deku chuckle.

"Well thank you for voting for me, Kacchan is pretty mean." Deku went back to eating lunch and then heard the alarm go off. "WARNING: LEVEL 3 INFILTRATION! PLEASE EVACUATE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION." The alarm went off around the entire building Iida didn't know what it meant so he asked a 3rd year "excuse me! What does that alarm mean?" Iida asked "It means someone has broken in! It hasn't happened my 3 years here!" The 3rd year responded going to where everyone else was going. Deku was getting crushed by everyone else. He couldn't focus long enough to use full cowling but he knew what was going on 'I know it's just the reporters but I can't use one for all in order to catch their attention! But then again float would work pretty well. Alright let's try that!' Deku floated up into the air and landed onto the exit sign activating full cowling to catch their attention "EVERYONE! LOOK OUT THE WINDOWS! IT'S JUST THE PRESS! WE'RE STUDENTS OF THE PRESTIGIOUS U.A ACADEMY NOW ACT LIKE IT!" Deku yelled making all the students have their head down as they walked back to the cafeteria. Deku got off the exit sign and deactivated full cowling.

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