chapter 1

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"hey you.."

"wake up."

ayano eyes awoken as someone spoke to me.

ayano was at the sakura blossom tree at the back of the school near the track, laying down. after the hard work of killing her rivals for senpai. he rejected ayano for how weird she was around him and he had a fear of being bullied as a loner and she became unconscious and heart broken when it happened.

"hey, are u listening to me?"

"oh im sorry, what happened again?" ayano questioned.

"you were lying down here.. did u have to confess to someone?"

"..."ayano gave no response after it happened.

"here ill help u up.." a boy with fluffy messy hair with a headband that says victory takes my hand to get up.

"oh thanks" ayano teared up as a group of people was looking at her.

"oh why are you crying?" one of the people in the group asked.

"i got rejected, i didn't deserve this"  ayano sobbed.

"its okay.. wanna do a stretch before we go with the marital arts club, we usually do this routine everyday. im budo masuta, the club leader of the marital arts club." ayano looked at him in delight.

"oh sure.. nice to meet u budo" ayano felt a little better.

"let's get started on the stretch at this beautiful sunset" budo smiled.

the marital arts club started stretching along with ayano for 10 minutes before they left the school.

"thanks everyone, i feel relieved now for helping me by a stretch."

"no problem, could i get your phone number?" budo nervously asked.

"oh sure.. u were the one who cheered me up i guess" ayano grinned.

after the marital clubs and ayano talked they went off to home for the weekend.

meanwhile.. ayano starts to run off to stalk senpai still even though she was rejected.

"ayano why are u running?" budo was curious.

budo also followed her and then a few minutes, he saw ayano stalking taro yamada.

so he decided to pretend to walk home and then saw taro to talk to him.

"hey taro.." budo greeted.

"oh hey."

"you feel different why?" he wondered.

"i had to reject someone." taro sighed.

"who were they?" budo thinked it could be ayano.. would there be 2 rejections?

"ayano aishi" taro responded. budo looks at him, looking like he regretted it or he is just sad because he has no bitches.

"oh i saw her.. she was heartbroken. would u give her a second chance?" budo regretted saying.

"fuck fuck fuck, why did i say that- i mean, she deserves a second chance" budo minded.

"i would probably" taro grinned a little bit.

"oh ok" budo sighed.

"i'll see you soon" taro waved goodbye and left. 

budo looked around for ayano and she was still there. i watched taro drop a thing and picked it up before ayano did and kept it in his pocket so ayano wouldn't do weird stuff with it. 

budo walked to his house with a worried look for taro, overthinking in the cold air. 

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now