chapter 12

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budo waits for ayano at the sakura tree at the back of the school.

ayano runs up to the hill to see budo.

"what took you so long?"

"oh, i had to do something.."

"well.. i wanna talk about something to you."

"what is it.."

"remember the time we met.. you we're sad that taro rejected you."

"yeah.. he's no good for me!"

"it's the reason why i came up here.. i developed feelings whenever i saw and look at you. i couldn't wait."

"well, we're right here. anyways, when you wanted to hang out with me, i would like to and we became closer.. so the same thing to."

"i just wanna say...."

"i hate you, i know what you did!" budo angered at ayano.

"what!!" ayano was shocked.

"i liked looking at you.. i saw you ask raibaru to get the box cutter out of the box and them u ask kuu dere to follow her to the storage room, and i heard the sounds of her suffocating and then you stabbed her." budo explained.

"no, i can explain!!"

"i can't believe you made raibaru arrested! i admired her, it's the reason why i joined the club here!! whenever you saw me talk to her, you wouldn't like it, it doesn't mean i would date her!!"

"i saw her, wanting you to go to this place.. i was scared that you would accept her feelings"

"i wouldn't because i loved you but NOT ANYMORE" budo yelled out his anger to ayano.

ayano started crying and ran away to her house.

budo was relieved after the anger.

"what have i done.. i ranted and became a dumbass."

ayano got her bag and put her outdoor shoes crying but someone put there hand on her shoulder.

"are you ok?" someone asked.

"leave me alone!! i wanna go home." ayano turned around and saw it was kyuji konagawa.

"go away and stalk osana. at this point, i don't care!!" ayano yelled at him.

"i saw you get rejected by the leader of the martial arts club, while i was at the back of the school thinking life." kyuji explained.

"do you wanna walk home with me, we live nearby." kyuji asked.

"oh no thanks.." ayano wiped her tears.

"it's ok, i'm gonna do it anyways since you should have someone near you.." kyuji didn't bother.

"oh well.. fine." ayano didn't care but her tears kept flowing.

budo was walking to his locker to go home and saw ayano talking to another boy.

"forget it." he minded.

ayano was walking home with kyuji asking why he liked osana.

when ayano arrives at her house, she waved goodbye to him and felt relieved. when she went inside of her house, she starts crying.

"ayano honey, why are you crying?" ayano's mom asked.

"i got rejected" ayano cried.

"oh who was he?" ayano's mom asked.

"his name was budo, his celebrity idol got arrested because i framed her and he saw what i did." ayano explained.

"oh goodness, you didn't deserve this!" ayano's mom comforted her.

"i fed your mindslaves tuna, just like an evil cat!" ayano's mom evilly grinned.

"thanks mom, i'm gonna go torture them!!" ayano smiled.

ayano went to the basement and saw kokoro and taro awake.


ayano hits kokoro with a baseball bat like she didn't care.


"you're gonna have fun tomorrow!" ayano winked.

"no please!" kokoro begged.

ayano looked at taro, reminding how she got rejected by him, the same as budo did.

"uh, t-taro s-senpai, do you like me??" ayano wanted him again.

"i will do anything for you if you don't hurt me!!" taro begged

"good, because i love you so much because i thinked about you and you would probably want me!"

"oh, of course i do." taro lied.

"oh no you don't, i can tell by your face." ayano held up the baseball bat.

"please don't, i love you!" taro purposely blushed.

"aw, good senpai, i should let you go but your staying here with me because i don't want you to be with someone else!" ayano grinned.

ayano untied the rope on taro's ankle and his arms and kissed him.

"let's go to my bedroom for some fun" ayano invited him.

"okay." taro smiled as he was finally released.

ayano and taro went into her bedroom.

"wow, you like manga, i actually wanted to read manga!!" taro was amazed.

"really? let's read the cherry touch manga, it's a good one i like" ayano offered.

"of course!"

taro and ayano went on the bed together reading manga and ayano puts her head on taro's shoulder and taro grins.

"wow, um-, this book has an interesting plot!" as taro finished volume 1 of cherry touch.

"yeah, it's my favorite! volume 2 and more will be interesting!" ayano encouraged.

"oh ok, i would like to see that!" taro forced himself.

"are you tired senpai?" ayano yawned.

"yeah i guess."

"you can sleep on my bed.. i'm gonna go change into my pajamas in the bathroom."

"okay" taro blushed.

"you pervert!" ayano joked.

"i'm also gonna check on kokoro in the basement!"

"alright!" as ayano left her room to go change into her uniform. he looked around the room, her dresser full of panties, corkboard with pictures of her and budo she forgot to take off, the computer, and the senpai shrine of budo.

he started to lie on ayano's bed feeling relieved with comfort after he had to sit on a chair for a lot of hours.

meanwhile, ayano checked on kokoro getting tortured which was set up by her mom.

kokoro glared at ayano and ayano went up the stairs and shut the door.

ayano went into her room with senpai in the bed already and he gives her space.

she slips into the bed and hugs senpai and feels comforted already.


qna: what do you think that budo will do in the future?

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now