chapter 3

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the weekend passes by until monday.

budo walks in the school with the marital arts club until he sees ayano running off somewhere. 

while he was putting his indoor shoes on, taro was talking to another girl which made ayano jealous, i can tell by her expression. i asked one of the members to run the club for me so i can spy on ayano. 

it's not over for ayano yet. i heard my phone vibrating and getting a text message from someone unknown. 

-hello there, i know you've been having a concerned look for taro yamada because of ayano aishi -unknown

-what, who are u and how did you know!? -budo

-my name isn't that important, but if you need a name for me, call me info-chan. anyways, ayano failed to have senpai and i think it's time to destroy him. -info-chan

-why!? then what does ayano have to do? -budo

-i think you've been developing feelings for her, when you we're walking home when she was stalking taro. -info-chan

-oh.. -budo

-i think it's should be your goal to be with ayano. you know, you guys look cute together lol. -info-chan

-oh.. you know, i kinda like her now. -budo

-that's great, i will give you your first task if you take 5 panty shots of any girl. -info-chan

-uhhh okay, are you gay and horny for those? -budo

-i won't answer that question.. now go before class starts -info-chan

"what the hell!? let's do those panty shots for info-chan" budo sighed.

5 panty shots later

-fantastic!! -info-chan

-it was easy -budo

-okay now i will tell your task but there's no deadline. -info-chan

-you're task is to make taro suffocate for awhile, you can't kill him because ayano will be heartbroken more and may commit suicide. you can suffocate him at your basement, somewhere secretly in the school like putting him in a trash bag where it's like his death bed. ayano might still have a watch for him, so look out. -info-chan

-okay, i'll try. -budo

-i'll be giving you hints when you make a movement -info-chan

-alright, thank you. -budo

-no problem and good luck! -info-chan

"ayano is mine.." budo evily said.

i watched as ayano was looking at taro, her thinking that he could have him but no. it was 8am and i realized i miss my daily routine, i quickly went to my class 3-2 and i saw taro reading his book. 

i went up to him.

"hey taro" 

"oh hey budo, nice to see u" taro grinned. 

"oh thanks.." budo fakely smiled. 

"hey do u have anything to do? i finished my book" taro had a look of boredom. 

"you can hang out with my club and eat lunch with me outside of the classroom." budo offered.

"oh sure, i would like that!" taro smiled. 

budo and taro kept on talking before class starts


"this is my club! this is mina, sho, shima, and juku." budo introduced. 

"oh nice to meet you" taro greeted. 

the martial arts club members and taro ate their lunch together, talking and socializing. 

until they heard someone screamed and shouted as loud as we can.


everyone ran when it was happening and and it was the corpse of Fureddo Jonzu, the leader of the Photography Club.

everyone was so scared that they wanted to go home. class was canceled due to that incident. the police was called and they were on their way. 

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now