chapter 4

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"why is budo looking at me? that's weird" ayano minded. 

"i kinda find him annoying already and ugh.. he stole something that i wanted to put on the senpai shrine." 

"i have an idea, i should poison his bento, so he could get away from my senpai since there in the same class"

ayano went to class 3-2, she remembered budo's desk a little bit but went to the wrong one and poisoned the bento of Fureddo Jonzu. she crazily laughed of freedom.

she saw taro walking into the class, looking at him but when she saw budo she walked away to go to her class.

"oh hey, that's not my bento" budo putted it next to the desk at the right. 


ayano went behind the martial arts club and saw budo and taro together and taro was introduced by the martial arts club. she evilly giggled and watched them sit down outside of the martial arts club and she saw budo open his bento and he started eating. 

ayano was ready for the moment, she looked at budo's expression but nothing happened. she groaned at the moment and went somewhere to eat around the school. 

she heard someone choking on their meal which was poison. she ran to the scene where she poisoned the wrong person. she angered herself out. 

ayano couldn't go to class at the moment but at least she killed someone and crazily laughed at a private area.

the police arrives

they asked budo, kaga, and the photography club.

"well i saw a bento on my desk, it wasn't mine" budo responded.

"oh i must of placed it on the wrong desk because i don't have the same class as Fureddo" one of the photography club members responded. 

"i wasn't there when it happened, i think i was on my way to the class" kaga said. 

"okay, thank you. i don't think we can't perform a arrest." the officer responded. 

everyone was free to go home after that tragedy. 

the photography club had to disband due to a low amount of members. 

budo's phone vibrated. 

-hey budo masuta -info-chan

-oh hey. -budo

-i have information about Fureddo Jonzu's death -info-chan

-woah, you know everything? -budo

-yeah, i have access to the security cameras. -info-chan

-so, fureddo jonzu's bento was poisoned. one of the members put it on the wrong desk. i'm glad you noticed because you could've of gotten poisoned.  -info-chan

-oh yeah, i was lucky, any more info? -budo

-well.. someone actually tried to poisoned you and ugh.. -info-chan

-oh bad news? -budo

-it was ayano aishi.. she has something against you but don't give up, you're still gonna have her. -info-chan

-omg.. are you serious! i must do something for ayano. -budo

-yeah.. make taro suffocate and lost. -info-chan

-okay, thanks, have a good evening -budo

budo looks around his phone and takes a picture of the beautiful sky, he saw some options that had panties, death, and other things. it even said that info-chan couldn't determine what subject it is right now. 


budo clicked on the student information with the students of akademi. he clicked on ayano's profile and got information about her. 

Reputation: -100

Personality: Lovesick

Crush: Taro Yamada

Club: None

Self-Defense: Physical Education

"not bad stats, i guess the bad reputation is when she was rejected by taro yamada. let's see taros."

Reputation: +10

Personality: Loner

Crush: None

Club: No Club

Self-Defense: Incapable

"oh he's an average student.." budo read taro and ayano's stats. he kept reading other student's stats to learn more about them. 

"hey budo" budo turned around and saw ayano behind him, wanting to talk to him. he adored her attractive looks.

"oh hey ayano.." budo smiled. 

ayano randomly took a picture of budo

"oh, she's gonna look at my stats oh no no no" budo panicked in his mind. 

"oh you're not a bad type of person.. do you want to come over to my place" ayano asked, smiling in suspicion.

"oh what for?" budo asked.

"oh you'll see" ayano smiled. 

they were walking together to ayano's house.

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now