chapter 5

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they walked through an empty part of the neighborhood.

ayano pulled out her propofol out of her blue bag and grabbed budo.

"ayano! what are u doing" budo noticed.

ayano puts the propofol on budo by putting the needle in the skin and begins to fall asleep. 

she puts budo in the black garbage bag. 

she keeps walking carrying the garbage bag until she gets to her house. she opens the house door to see her mom and dad home..

"oh hey mom and dad, welcome back" ayano fakes her smile.

"oh hey sweetie, whats in the bag?" her mom asked. 

"trash.. im gonna go in the basement" ayano went into the basement and pulls out a chair and gets budo out of the bag and puts him on the chair and ties him up and grabbed a knife to put it between budo's legs. 

1 hour later

budo wakes up in confusion.

"where am i? it's so dark here.." 

"oh, looks like you woke up." ayano evily grinned.

"so you tricked me.." budo responded.

"yeah i did.. so if you wanna get out, you should stay away from my senpai.." ayano declared. 

"i would but i knew him for awhile and he has a choice to talk to me" budo reasoned. 

"don't even go up to him.. if you refuse too, i will kill you with this shiny knife" 

"well.. i have a favor for you, he would of not rejected you if you became really weird around him and not talk to him.." budo pointed out.

"ugh.. fine, ill still talk to him right?" ayano lied.

"looks like you're not gonna.." budo looked at her in suspicion. 

"ugh fine i will, can you please come with me tomorrow." ayano begged.

"sure, i'll help you." budo offered.

"o-okay, thanks, you can go home now, i-i'll see you tomorrow, just walk with me at the morning" ayano grinned. 

budo and ayano walked out of the basement together. ayano's parents question budo. 

budo leaves ayano's house with his bag to come back to his home house, still thinking and adored how ayano kidnapped him. 

the next morning

budo wakes up in the morning, dressing up, brushing his teeth, and packing his bag. 

he walks to school in the cold air of the morning and spots ayano. he runs up to her. 

"oh hey ayano, aren't you excited to talk to taro"

"oh heheheh, im shy..." she smiled.

budo can't stop looking at ayano's face, her shy expression, and her blushing face.

"budo..?" ayano noticed.

"oh, im sorry." budo apologized. 

budo texted juku to look after the club. 

both of them arrived and walked within the crowd. 

ayano and budo went to their locker first but they had to go to a ceremony for Fureuddo Jonzu, who has died by a poisoning in the bento.

 after that then they went to the fountain where taro is. 

"are you ready, don't make this awkward.." budo sighed.

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now