chapter 8

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"he is my new senpai.." 

ayano changed everything to budo, getting something that budo drops, budo touched, or budo used. thursday is the start of the new senpai shrine. 

it was the next morning, ayano was getting ready for school and went to the kitchen for food

"oh hey.. what happened to your stuff on the senpai shrine?" ayano's mom questioned.

"oh, i found someone new.. my old senpai rejected me but i didn't give up" ayano grinned.

"that's great honey, maybe do something bad to your old senpai" ayano's mom evilly suggested.

"great idea!! thanks mom" ayano agreed.

"no problem sweetie, have a good day at school!" her mom responded. 

budo pov

i was walking to school until taro came up to me.

"oh hey taro"

"hello, how was yesterday?" taro asked.

"it was great and okay" budo replied. 

"oh what happened?" 

"oh nothing!" budo grinned.

"okay, you had a worried look on your face that i noticed."

"well, don't talk about my looks, i'm always not the same." budo sighed. 

"oh h-hey budo-senpai!" ayano came up to him before he was about to change his shoes.

"hey kohai! i'm glad to see you" budo grinned.

"t-thanks" ayano was so shy to see budo now as her new senpai.

"wanna see my apprentices spar? so you can take notes when you're gonna fight juku" budo offered.

"oh sure, i love fighting now, i wanna do some vio- punching and kicking" ayano showed off. 

"oh, that's great" budo realized right now how ayano killed people at those last few weeks. 

"um guys?" taro was getting forgeted.

"oh, sorry taro, i didn't realize you were there" budo lied for no reason and ayano evilly grinned. 

"senpai (taro).. we gotta go.. i don't want budo-senpai messing up his routine." ayano evilly said.

ayano and budo went to the japanese gardens leaving taro in confusion since all of his apprentices are there. when they arrived, they see sho and juku sparring each other.

"huh? budo and ayano are kinda close to each other right now, i wish i saw it all yesterday but i was at home" taro minded. 

taro went to the fountain to read a book that he found at his closet.

at the japanese gardens

"hey budo and ayano, how come your not in your uniform?" mina asked.

"oh, we're just checking, i'm too lazy to do fighting or punching but at the evening i will" budo announced.

"psst kohai, make sure your taking notes when you fight juku.." he reminded. 

"hey budo, since your kinda lazy for the club, i'll take it over for you.." sho asked.

"oh, thank you! kohai, are you finished, you can go somewhere!" budo wanted to spend more time with ayano than his club.

"oh, okay. i'm done." ayano was rushing to write her notes.

"good job kohai, you must of wrote a lot!" as budo checked her notes.

"so senpai.. wanna do something with me" ayano smiled at budo as it was something.

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now