chapter 6

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"so.. where were you guys?" ayano asked.

"it was something private for the men." taro sighed.

"is he feeling good?" juku noticed.

"he's all red and sweaty, you need water" mina offered.

"hello?" budo tried to talk to him.

taro began to collapse on the floor, everyone stared when it happened.

"we need to bring him to the nurse's office!" ayano panicked. 

budo didn't know that all of this will happened.. he was shocked and sweaty, thinking his task was complete of taro suffocating.

"i will carry him there!" budo offered. 

budo speed walked him to the nurses office and ayano followed budo, thinking something bad will happen to taro. 

they arrived to the nurses office.

"please help him, he just collapsed for no reason!!!" ayano cried. 

"oh dear.. it's okay, i'll do my job now, and you sir stay here.. you seem close to him" nurse said.

budo watched the nurse do stuff on taro and hoping he slowly won't make it since it's his task to have ayano.

"hey.. you're friend is severely dehydrated and stressed, maybe due to work and stuff. maybe he should get rest away from school. there is no parent in contact so i don't know where his home is, so bring him to your place.. you're free to leave the school." the nurse announced.

"oh.. okay, thanks" budo grinned. 

"i think it's the perfect time" budo minded. 

budo carried taro to his place 10 minutes away, the coach opened the gate for budo to get taro to a safe place, budo's home.

budo arrived safely to his house with him carrying taro. budo was so exhausted. he gets a ice pack for himself and taro and puts the ice pack on taro's forehead.

budo changes into his comfy clothes and chills on his bed. a while later, taro wakes up in confusion and budo checks on him.

"oh hey." budo greeted him evily. 

"why am i here?" taro wondered.

"the nurse told me to bring you home, you seem stressed with school and stuff" budo explained.

"oh.. oh yeah" taro was casually blushing at me.

"do you love someone or do you not feel good?" budo noticed. 

"im sorry" taro was trying to get away with it. 

"it's ok, do you mind staying here alone? it's 3:45 pm, i wanna go back to the school for the martial arts club" budo asked.

"oh sure!" taro didn't mind but was curious about budo.

"thank you so much! i'm heading back to the school, see you at 6" budo left already but didn't tell taro what to do. 

"hmm.." taro wondered. 

"let's look around his house, he's probably hiding something" taro snooped around his house and went to budo's bedroom and looked around but he saw a picture frame and it appears to be ayano.

"ayano? why. hm.. i think he admires her, the creepster." taro saw a book he had and it's about karate. hmm.. i should read it.

taro reads the book budo had on budo's bed for a good 1 hour.

"oh wow interesting book.. i think that's it" taro lies on his bed for 15 minutes not knowing what to do.

"i'm developing feelings for him but i'm not sure, i had so many crushes but they all died because of ayano" taro sighed. 

"it's only tuesday. maybe friday?" 

taro's stomach started to growl. he went back to the kitchen and opened budo's fridge. 

"oooh a sandwich!" taro doesn't care if budo gets mad or not. he began to chew it and adored the deliciousness.

"wow, i should ask him for food because i don't know how to make food properly"

at akademi high 

"wow good job sho!" budo was watching his members fight at the japanese gardens during club time. then, ayano walked into their club time.

"oh hey ayano" budo greeted her.

"oh hello.. m-may i join your club" ayano shyly asked. 

"of course, we're gonna head inside at the club room at 5:30 to start kicking. it's currently 5:15pm, the uniforms are inside the changing room in our room, go ahead if you wanna change" budo winked. 

"okay, thank you so much, i'll be at the club room" ayano cheered. 

"see you there." budo was happy that ayano wanted to join his club, he couldn't wait to get inside so he used his phone to pass time. 

"ha, i hope i'm so much better than budo" ayano minded.

15 minutes later

the martial arts club starts with their kicking of course. budo went ahead to check on ayano's kicking and touched her and showing her how it's done. she started to get a little uncomfortable but got the comfort back. she began to blush as it was a little embarrassing.

they continue all along until 6pm. ayano had fun with the lesson, she could totally do it again.

"thanks budo, i'm gonna come tomorrow morning to see your appertinces fight so i can learn" ayano praised.

"oh, no problem, i'll be there too and give some advice to you that i got from my idol, raibaru." stated. 

"oh ok, that's great" she grinned a little bit. 

"i'm gonna leave now, see you tomorrow" as budo left, he started thinking how taro is doing.

ayano pov

"wow, it was great i guess, i miss stalking senpai, i think he doesn't like me.." ayano minded. 

"oh well, i just have to go home without him. i need advice from my mom, she was a true yandere" 

ayano was going home and she was filled with emptiness and thinking about senpai. 

budo pov

budo came back home with taro on the couch doing nothing.

"oh hey taro" 

"oh hello, how was your club doing?" 

"oh it was great" budo smiled. 

"you do the usual routine huh?"

"yeah, i feel like you're feeling better, you should go home" budo offered. 

"oh yeah, thank you so much" taro grinned. 

"i'll see you soon, the nurse let me know that you can stay home until you're ready to go to school" budo letted him know. 

"oh, thanks, i never knew this would happen!" taro cheered. 

taro waved budo goodbye as he left the house. 

budo shut the door and locked it and was really tired after a long day of stuff. he started thinking about ayano after she joined his club. 

he was getting ready to go to bed and lied down on his bed which was a relief for him. he closed his eyes and went to sleep. 

my kohai (ayano aishi x budo masuta)Where stories live. Discover now