Chapter 1

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(Here it is. Itan Private High school)
Tadano hitohito is an average boy, with average grades, who somehow made it into Itan Private High. (So many people are staring at me- d-do I smell!?) Tadano thought these things as he walked into the school. It seemed the people were not staring at him, but another person that Tadano couldn't see over the crowd. Tadano opened his shoe locker to change his shoes, when he saw someone stand next to him. Tadano looked up to see a boy with purple eyes and purple curly hair. Tadano blushed at the sight of such beautiful features. He shook his head, this catching the boys attention. "O-oh! Hi there! My name is Hitohito Tadano and-" before Tadano could go on, the boy had left in a flash. (I really do smell, don't I!)

Tadano walked up to his class, going inside seeing he was the only one in at this time. "Where did everyone go"? He said to himself. He took his seat right next to the window in the far back of the class to avoid any attention. He saw a crowd forming around a spot, which seemed to be coming closer. As soon as the door opened, a huge wave of students, fimiliar and unrecognizable came swarming in, chasing someone. But who? Tadano looked closer to see it was that boy he met that morning. When the teacher came in class, everyone made their way to their sheets, trying to save a seat for the boy so he can sit beside them. The boy looked around, cautiously, seeing the only one not staring at him was Tadano, so he walked towards him and sat beside him. The entire class started glaring at Tadano, giving him the," touch him and your fingers will be our next cafeteria lunch". Tadano was intimidated, and he didn't know what their deal was.

When the teacher started talking, she said that they were doin introductions. "M-my name is guyumi and I like miso soup. I hope we can get along"! "My name is tsutai and I like long walks on the beach! I hope this year will be exiting"! After many introductions, it was Tadano. Tadano stands up looking at all the glares and disgusted looks from his peers. " W-well, my name is Hitohito Tadano, and I can read the room, I guess. I hope we can make it through high school"! Tadano made his happiest face and sat down, about to cry on how embarrassed he was, especially when they already hated him, and didn't even know who he was. Next, it was the boys turn. The boy stood up, walked up to the board and wrote "Shousuke Komi" on the board. Everyone started blushing and cheering for Shousuke. Tadano looked surprised. He didn't expect this Shousuke boy to be like that, not being able to talk. Did he have, social anxiety?!

Narrating Shousuke:
(I really hate it when people surround me. It really gets on my nerves). Shousuke is the most popular boy in the whole Itan Private High School. He looks super hot, with his curly purple hair and purple eyes. He was a dream. But he didn't like anyone. He wentt inside the school, hoping to dash away from the crowd asap. When he went inside, there was a boy with brown hair sitting next to his shoe locker, changing his shoes. He looked like an average boy, what shousuke could only wish to be. He stood up beside the boy, not wanting him to notice shousuke much. But he did. "O-oh! Hi there! My name is Hitohito Tadano and-"before the boy could finish, Shousuke ran off. He was embarrassed because he didn't want to talk back to the boy. He thought the boy was one of his fans.

The crowd found out where shousuke had been hiding and ran after him. Shousuke didn't want them to swarm him so he kept running, eventually making it to his classroom. Thank goodness the teacher came in or else they would've trampled him. They all sat at their desks, spacing out between people for some reason. Before he knew it, he was the only one standing. Everybody was motioning for him to sit beside them. He really didn't like the faces they were giving him, even though they didn't look mad, so he looked around and saw the guy from this morning. Since he wasn't staring at Shousuke, he sat next to him.

When the teacher announced they were doing introductions, he was a bit nervous, but didn't show it, because he didn't show alot of emotion. Many people did their introductions, but Shousuke didn't listen to them. "W-well". When shousuke heard this, he knew it was Tadano, from this morning. "I'm Hitohito Tadano and I, I like manga I guess"? Many people were staring at Tadano, which kinda made Shousuke jealous but he didn't know why. He thought they were looking at him because he was popular. Tadano sat down, and Shousuke knew it was his turn. He sighed, stood up, and went toward the board. He wrote down his name an went back to his seat. Everyone was whispering and taking small glances at him. Shousuke was nervous, but again didn't show it. Shousuke looked at Tadano, who looked deep in Thought. (This is going to be a long day) he thought.

That's the end of part one! I hope it's good so far! I'll try to not stop this! Because there is not anything in English, so I hope I did ok!
Ps: if you have any spelling suggestions, please feel free to comment them. please don't hate me for this! I think the ship is cute and I kind of understand it. Stay healthy and drink water! Love you guys!

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