Chapter 9

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Previously on Kalos High: New Beginnings:

Ash and Serena have just reunited with their childhood friends Goh and Chloe. However, Calem comes back from Alola unable to get Shauna a birthday present. Will he ever survive the wrath of his girlfriend?

Back at the dorms

"Is Ash coming back or what?" Serena said, plopping down on the sofa. It had been 30 minutes and he still hadn't come back from the office.

"Maybe he got sidetracked and went to get food?" Goh suggested. Chloe elbowed him in the side. "You do realize Ash is a food mons-." Goh was interrupted by a scream from outside. The three of them rushed out of the room to see Calem running up the stairs and zooming past them down the hall.

"I'm so dead!" he cried out as he continued racing down the hall.

"Was that the person called Calem who just ran past us?" Chloe asked, blinking.

"Yep, that was him. And he's a dead man now," said Ash, coming up from behind. The three friends whipped around to see him out of breath, carrying a suitcase in one hand. "We better get going. Before Shauna starts hunting for him."

"Oh, Calemmm," a ghostly voice said behind them. The four friends gulped, slowly turning around to see a rather enraged Shauna, a fiery look in her eyes.

"Yep.... he's a goner" was all the four of them could say.



Time-skip to 1 hour later

"I haven't seen her this mad since the time I forgot about our date plans," the poor traveling trainer whimpered. Ash, Goh, Serena, and Chloe had found him huddled up in a corner, all bruised up from getting punched by Shauna.

"Come on, now. Let's get you to the Pokémon Center," Ash said as he and Goh hunched over to lift Calem up. For some reason, he was a lot heavier than they thought. During Ash's travels in Kalos, Clemont would make some delicious meals whenever they stopped to eat, but Calem wasn't much of a big eater. In fact, he would eat once for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but never did he go for seconds. "Man, what did you eat?" he questioned. 

"A bunch of...sweet and crispy malasadas," Calem uttered before passing out.

1 hour later (don't judge me, I'm a lazy writer)

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Nurse Joy said. Ash stood in the lobby of the Pokémon Center, waiting to hear about how Calem was doing. 

"Thanks, Nurse Joy," he replied, and turned away as he walked out. As he did so, Serena and company jumped up from the couches and came to meet him.

"Well, what did she say?" Goh asked. 

"He has a few bruises from Shauna's monster-like punching, but otherwise he'll be okay," Ash said. "Oh, have any of you seen Shauna?" he added. Unfortunately, he only got headshakes from the three of them.

"Oh, Aaaassssshhh," a creepy familiar voice rang. Frozen with fear, the four of them turned around to see none other than Miette standing there.

"You've got to be kidding me," Chloe sighed, annoyed by the sight in front of her. 

"It's that crazy girl again! That girl who keeps trying to kill Serena but always fails since Ash is always protecting her because he loves Serena!" Goh screeched. At the sound of this, Ash and Chloe's eyes widened while Serena simply turned a dark shade of red. blushing from what she had just heard. In return, Goh got elbowed by his childhood friend.

"You idiot! You just revealed Ash's secret!" Chloe scolded him. Serena didn't say a word. In fact, she was still struck by Goh's words. Ash... loved her? 

I guess... he really does like me, Serena thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in her neck. While the other three had been lost deep in their chattering, Miette had slipped past them and grabbed hold of Serena's neck, choking her so she couldn't breath properly.

"You guys are too late," Miette cackled. "Say goodbye to your precious Serena, ASH!" And with that, the crazy girl pulled out a large baseball bat and swung it at the honey-blonde's head, knocking her out instantly.

"SERENA!" Ash, Goh, and Chloe screamed. They watched in agony as Miette stood over the limp body and laughed, cackling as her eyes showed no sign of sanity.

"So now what are you going to do? Your precious little Serena is unconscious. Aww, are you going to cry?" Miette taunted. 

"That's enough.... you've done enough already.....," Ash growled. The insane girl turned to face him. "I can't bare to see her like this..... so stay the hell away from the girl I love!" he shouted. Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder, cheeks sparking with electricity as he stared at his trainer for confirmation. Simply nodding, Ash whispered, "Make it more painful this time." The electric mouse jumped up and glared at Miette, letting out a giant bolt of electricity.

"Piiikkaaachuuuuuu!" Pikachu cried. Miette screamed in agony, then fell to the floor covered in soot.

"Why, you....," the psychopathic girl started, then passed out. Pikachu scampered over to the still-unconscious Serena and nuzzled his cheeks against her, trying to wake her up. He used one of his paws to check her heartbeat, then let out a high-pitched, scream of shock.

"PIIIIKKKAAAA!?" the electric type shrieked. 

"Pikachu, what's wrong?" Ash hurried over, kneeling down beside his partner and checking Serena's heartbeat. A rather dull look came across his face. No, he thought, it can't be.

"What is it?" Goh and Chloe had now crowded around him.

"Her life force, it's.... fading," he said glumly. The two gasped. "We've got to get her to Nurse Joy... before it's too late."

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