Chapter 4

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So far, Ash's first day at Kalos High has been nothing but complete chaos because Miette has been chasing him and his group of friends around all day long. However, Serena leaves the lobby to use the bathroom...and doesn't come back. We rejoin Ash and Pikachu in the lobby as they start to get worried for Serena.

With Ash

"I wonder what's taking Serena so long," said Ash, staring at the empty hallway. It had been a while since she'd gone off to the bathroom and hadn't come back yet. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the doors leading to the pool slamming open. He turned around to see Brock and Calem rushing towards him, breathing heavily as they collapsed on the floor, gasping for air.

"Ash, do you know what Miette just did!?" Brock asked.

"I actually didn't see a thing. What happened?" Ash replied, confused.

"She tied up Serena to a chair and took her up to the top of the diving board! The crazy girl's about to push her off!" Calem said while panicking.

 Ash's eyes widened and he dashed to the doors of the pool, pulled them open, and stopped in his tracks. I'm too late, he thought. Miette had just pushed Serena off the diving board. Ash watched in horror as he saw his childhood screaming in terror until she hit the water. He then glanced up at Miette and glared at her before scrambling up the steps of the diving board, pushing the frilly blue-haired girl aside, and jumping off the diving board after Serena. He hit the water with a hard splash, but had no choice but to swim down after his friend. He kept swimming until he saw Serena's now-unconscious body lying on the bottom, not making a single movement. Ash quickly swam towards her and ripped off the ropes that bound her hands and legs. He gently grabbed the unconscious honey-blonde haired girl, pulled her close to his chest, and paddled up to the surface as fast as he could. At last, the raven-haired trainer emerged from the water, breathing heavily as he made his way over to the staircase leading out of the pool and onto the deck. Ash placed Serena down on a bench before wrapping a towel around her. Pikachu, who had been waiting for him on the deck, scampered towards his best friend and nuzzled his cheeks against his face before scampering over to the honey-blonde, trying to get her to wake up by nuzzling against her chest. Ash then picked up Serena bridal-style, with the towel still wrapped around her, and carried her out the doors of the pool area, running over to the Pokemon Center located inside the school with Pikachu scampering right next to him. 

"Pika Pikachu!" the electric mouse squeaked. The raven-haired boy stopped running and looked down at his partner.

"Huh? What's up, Pikachu?" he asked, kneeling down so he was at Pikachu's level. The mouse Pokemon pointed to the unconscious Serena in his trainer's arms. Ash looked at her and his eyes widened in horror. Serena's skin had become pale from the pool. He gritted his teeth and continued running until he found the Pokemon Center located just next to the elevator. Ash then shoved the door open with his shoulder and burst into the room.

"I'll do everything I can to wake her up," Nurse Joy said. The raven-haired trainer lifted Serena into her arms and watched as she went into the operating room. Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder with a sad look.

"Please be okay, Serena," Ash whispered and let out a sigh before slumping onto a chair, falling into a deep sleep



"Pika Pi! Pikachu!" Ash opened his eyes to find his partner nudging him awake.

"Hey, buddy, what's up?" he rubbed his eyes sleepily while looking at the electric mouse. Pikachu pointed at Nurse Joy, who was just coming out of the operating room with a smile on her face. Ash immediately jumped up and ran to her. "How's Serena doing?" he asked her. She smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"She's asleep right now, but she has a slight fever. You'll have to take her back to her room and make sure she gets plenty of rest. Other than that, she's alright now." Ash thanked her and rushed into the operating room. He found Serena sleeping peaceful on a bed in the center of the room. To his relief, her skin was back to her normal color. Ash walked over to the bed and placed his hand over hers. He then gently lifted Serena off the bed and carried her bridal-style back to the dorm. Once he closed the door and locked it, he carried her over to the bottom bunk and gently placed her down, draping a blanket over her so her fever wouldn't get worse. 

"Sleep well, my childhood friend," Ash whispered before heading over to the bathroom to change into his night clothes. Once he was all washed up and ready for bed, he came back out of the bathroom, only to find Pikachu snuggled up on Serena's chest. Ash smiled at the sight in front of him and climbed up the ladder to the top bunk. He plopped down on the mattress and looked up at the ceiling. Why would Miette do such a horrible thing to Serena? She didn't do anything to her, did she? Ash wondered. His eyes started to get heavy, and before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

The next day

With Serena

Serena slowly opened her cerulean blue eyes to find Pikachu snuggled up next to her. She smiled at the sight before getting out of bed. 

"Ow!" the honey-blonde jerked her head in the direction of the sound, only to see her raven-haired crush rubbing his head while grimacing in pain. He looked at her, then scrambled down the ladder and rushed over to her, pulling her into a hug. Serena turned crimson red while tears started to form in her eyes as she recalled the events of yesterday. She then let go of Ash and looked at him. His smile turned into a frown when he saw her tear-streaked face. "What's wrong?" he asked worryingly. The honey-blonde couldn't take it anymore. She launched herself into his arms, crying into his chest.

"M-Miette tried to kill me!" she sobbed. Ash continued to rub her back soothingly.

"Shh, it's okay, Serena," he whispered softly. After a few minutes of crying, Serena wiped her tears off and replaced them with a smile. She walked into the bathroom and dressed into her normal clothes before stepping out of the dorm with Ash, but first they had to get Pikachu to wake up. Ash ended up getting shocked by the electric mouse, who was not happy that he was interrupted from his beauty sleep, but reacted happily when his trainer said he would get a large barrel of ketchup for dinner. Just as they exited the elevator, an announcement came over the loudspeaker, echoing through halls.

"Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Serena Yvonne from Vaniville Town, please make your way to Professor Sycamore's office. I repeat, Ash and Serena, please make your way to Professor Sycamore's office. Thank you!" the announcement ended. Serena looked puzzled for a second but shrugged it off and dashed down the hall after Ash.

"Professor Sycamore! What did you want to talk to us about?" the honey-blonde asked while watching Pikachu jump onto her head.

"I wanted to ask the two of you a question," the professor replied. "Since you guys both have Rotom Phones and a great desire to see lots of Pokemon in the world, I wanted to know if you would agree to be research fellows at my labratory while also being students at Kalos High." Serena looked at Ash, who nodded in agreement.

"We'll do it!" they both exclaimed excitedly. 

And so, after some traumatizing events from yesterday, Serena has now recovered from her fever, thanks to Ash who saved her from drowning in the pool and brought her to the Pokemon Center just in time. Now they've accepted Professor Sycamore's offer to be research fellows at his laboratory, with a bundle of new adventures that will bring them even closer. Let's go, as the journey continues!

That's a wrap!!! Sorry that this chapter is pretty short. I'm trying to make this book as fun as I can. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one which will probably be published in about 2-3 days.

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