Chapter 5

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Part 5 is based on the events of "Settling the Scorbunny!"

After Miette tried to kill Serena by tying her to a chair and pushing her off the diving board, Ash jumped in after our honey-blonde heroine and saved her from drowning. Now that she's feeling better, they've excepted Professor Sycamore's request to be research fellows at his laboratory. We rejoin them as the professor is just explaining about Pokemon growing giant-sized.

With Ash

"Anyways, there have been many reports that Pokemon can grow giant-sized and you can witness it in the Galar region," the professor explained. Ash had stars in his eyes while Serena had a look of complete amazement. 

"Isn't it called Dynamax?" the raven-haired trainer asked. Professor Sycamore simply nodded.

"And I think you two should go there and check out this Dynamax thing for yourselves!" Ash glanced at Serena, who gave him a wink in agreement. He smiled and the two friends gave each other a high-five.

"Alright!" they exclaimed. 

"But not until after you get through your classes for the day," the professor chuckled. Ash and Serena both fell to the ground anime-style, groaning in defeat. Pikachu, on the other hand, literally fell off his trainer's shoulder. 

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell our teachers that we're research fellows at Professor Sycamore's lab and going to the Galar region to see Pokemon dynamaxing," Ash said, looking at Serena who was scratching Pikachu's ears. She winked at him, and he once again felt that fuzzy, warm feeling inside. He pondered about it before shrugging it off and waving goodbye to the professor as he and Serena made their way to the classroom. As soon as they stepped through the doors, the honey-blonde was immediately surrounded by Dawn, Misty, May, Iris, and Shauna, asking her if she was okay from Miette's ambush.

"Guys, don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, Ash saved me," she sweatdropped. Just then, Professor Kukui entered the classroom, holding a cup of coffee.

"Ash! Serena! Professor Sycamore told me you guys are research fellows at his lab now and headed to the Galar region to see Pokemon grow giant-sized! Can you give us a call when you get there so we can see it for ourselves?" Everyone gathered around Ash and Serena, giving them puppy eyes. The two looked at each other, then gave a big smile to everyone.

"Of course we can!" they both exclaimed. But then the whole class froze when they heard a familiar voice at the door.

"Hold it right there!" Miette shouted, fuming in anger. Serena made eye contact with the frilly blue-haired girl and shivered in fear. Ash noticed this and motioned for her to get behind him. She nodded and scurried behind his back. Miette pushed her way through the crowd until she was face to face with the raven-haired trainer. Pikachu jumped in front of the blue-haired girl, sparking his cheeks.

"Piikaaaa," he growled. Miette rolled her eyes and gave Ash a devilish smile. He groaned in annoyance, taking a few steps away from her.

"Miette, what is it now?" he said, irritated by her weird gestures.

"Take me to the Galar region with you," she said, flashing her eyelashes. Ash mentally cringed. How in the world does she know that Serena and I are going to the Galar region? he thought.



"Yeah, sure, like that's gonna happen. You're not going to the Galar region with me and Serena," Ash replied. "Besides, you're not a research fellow at Professor Sycamore's lab." Miette bit her lip, glaring at the honey-blonde haired girl hiding behind Ash.

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