Chapter 3

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After landing in the Kalos region to attend the world famous Kalos High, Ash and Pikachu quickly rushed over to the school to get some sleep so they would be ready for their very first day. However, they ended up bumping into Ash's childhood Serena, who happened to be their roommate. But when Miette, a girl that he and his buddies from Kalos had tried to avoid bumping into, comes back from the Alola region as a transfer student, how will Ash try to survive throughout the day? We rejoin Ash in the classroom as Miette has just introduced herself.

With Ash

"Hi! My name's Miette!" the girl squealed. Right when she said that, the whole class had chills sent down their spines. Pikachu scrambled out of Serena's arms and ran up to her shoulder, burying his face in her hair so Miette wouldn't spot him. Professor Kukui was still frozen in shock because he remembered when Miette first arrived at the Pokemon School, Ash had a hard time struggling to get away from her because she was all over him. She even tried to kiss him and Pikachu had to use Thunderbolt on her. Miette would also tell her Meowstic to use Psychic on Ash so she would get Ash to be hers. But every attempt she tried, her plans would always be foiled by Pikachu's Thunderbolt.

"W-welcome, Miette! I'm pleased to have you in my class this year! Please take a seat next to Brock over in the back!" the professor stuttered as Miette nodded and made her way towards Brock, who had a nervous look on his face.

"Huh, that's not normal for Brock to not fall in love with a girl he just met," said Ash, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean by that, Ash?" asked Serena.

"Back when I was traveling through Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, Brock used to fall in love with every single girl we met along the way. Calem was the same except he'd actually beg them to be his girlfriend, but it didn't last long because Pikachu would have to use Thunderbolt on him to snap him out of his trance." Ash explained the whole concept to Serena, who seemed to understand it now. 

"A-Alright, class, let's begin. Today, we'll be learning a brand new topic called Dynamax," said Professor Kukui. What could Dynamax even be? Ash thought deeply until he was interrupted by the professor. "Just like how Z-moves are known mostly in the Alola region and Mega Evolution is here in Kalos, Dynamax is mostly known in the Galar reg-." Right before the professor could finish his sentence, the bell rang and he sighed in defeat. "Ok, class dismissed. We'll continue tomorrow," he said while rubbing his forehead. Ash got up from his seat and made a run for the door, but before he even made it, a pair of hands grabbed him from behind and pulled him back into the classroom. He turned around to see Miette with a mischievous smile on face. Great, I have to deal with her now, he thought.

"What do you want from me, Miette?" Ash asked, annoyed. The frilly-haired girl just giggled, making him even more uncomfortable. Serena threw a glare at Miette, who didn't seem to notice. Pikachu climbed up the honey-blonde's shoulder and tried to calm her down by nuzzling against her.

"You're not going to choose Serena over me, are you?" she asked while batting her eyelashes at him. Ash just rolled his eyes, annoyed to the point where he would make Pikachu use Thunderbolt on he, except Pikachu was with Serena right now. Miette's phone suddenly buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket, texting away to her friend. While she was doing that, Ash made sure she wasn't watching, tiptoed over to his childhood friend, grabbed her hand, and dashed out of the room, hoping that Miette wouldn't come after him. 

"Ash, what took you so long? And why are you holding Serena's hand?" asked Brock, raising an eyebrow. Ash looked confused, but then he looked down and saw his fingers tangled into Serena's. They both blushed and let go while laughing nervously. Little did they know, a certain frilly blue-haired girl was watching them from behind.

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