Chapter 11 - I'll Be There

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Warning: This is a very short chapter. The bonus chapter will be slightly longer.



Back in the Hospital Room

"S-Serena," Ash uttered out in disbelief as he looked at the once-unconscious girl of his dreams staring right back at him, her eyes full of tears and joy. For what seemed like minutes, they stood in silence before Serena started speaking.

"Listen, there's s-something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time," she began. Her face started to heat up. Ash only nodded, staying silent. "For as long as I can remember, the only boy to make my heart flutter is you, Ash. Back when you first saved me at Professor Oak's camp, I was lost, alone, and scared until you found me. Ever since that day, I've had a giant crush on you. But after I left back for Kalos... I'm sorry, Ash..... that crush slowly died down over the years. That is, until a couple of months ago when I ran into you for the first time in 16 years. I kept telling myself that it was just a crush, but now I realize.. it's love that I feel for you. So, Ash Ketchum, I... I love you," she said, a crimson red blush flashing across her face. "I understand if you don't feel the same right n-". She was cut off by Ash reaching over and pulling her into a hug.

"Actually, Serena, I... I feel the same way," said Ash, causing the honey-blonde's eyes to widen. "I really cherished the time I've spent with you over the past few months, and now that I've realized it, I'm happy to say... that I've been stuck in love with you, Serena," he said with a big smile. 

"Oh Ash," she whimpered, tears streaming down her face. Ash let go of the hug and stared into her mesmerizing eyes before he grinned.

"I've probably been waiting to do this for 3 days now," he said, and with one swift movement, pulled Serena towards him by her waist and pressed his lips against hers. Her eyes widened since this was technically her first time kissing someone before, but she slowly closed her eyes and kissed back passionately before breaking apart, resting their foreheads against each other.

"So ... does this mean we're officially together now?" Serena asked, with a cute gesture with her shoulder. Ash chuckled to himself.

"Yes. Yes, it does, sweety," he said, kissing his girlfriend's cheek before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the hospital room to find Goh and Chloe playing around with Pikachu until they noticed the two of them standing there, hand in hand.

"OH MY GOSH, YOU TWO!" Chloe squealed in delight, running over and devouring Serena into a bear hug while Goh patted Ash on the back. "Are you okay?" Chloe asked Serena, who simply nodded. Ash's stomach growled with hunger.

"Heh, I guess I could use a meal," he said, laughing with the others. 

"Well, let's go!" Goh exclaimed, taking off with Chloe trailing behind him. Ash and Serena stayed behind for a little bit, sitting down and relaxing with Pikachu running around his trainer's shoulder and the honey-blonde's lap. After 5 minutes, Ash stood up to catch up with Goh and Chloe, but a hand prevented him from getting a step away from the chair. He looked over to see Serena looking at the ground, her hand holding his.

"You'll always be with me, right?" she asked, her eyes starting to glisten with tears. Ash smiled at her.

"Of course, I will," he said reassuringly. "I'd rather be with you than be with some other girl." Serena smiled and stood up, resting her head on his shoulder with Pikachu climbing up to Ash's head. 

"Come on, you two! You're missing out on all the food!" Chloe called. 

"Let's go," Ash said, kissing Serena on the forehead and leading her to the cafeteria, holding her hand tightly so that no person would be able to harm her ever again.

As I've mentioned before, the bonus chapter will be the last of Kalos High: New Beginnings. But that is not the end of the journey. I still have a follow-up and sequel that are in development. The follow-up will be titled A Lifetime With You: The Follow-up to Kalos High New Beginnings while the sequel will be called Pokémon World Tour. See you guys in the final/bonus chapter and thank you so much for the love and support you've given this book!

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