Chapter 6

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A/N: This chapter is based on "Mind-Boggling Dynamax"(Pokemon Journeys episode 5) Enjoy! :)

And so, Ash and Serena became research fellows at Professor Sycamore's lab. Now, with a keen interest in giant-sized Pokemon, they arrived in the Galar region. They first arrived in the city of Wyndon, where they met a mischievous Scorbunny. Leading to a group of Nickit. Next, they were off to the WIld Area! Then, the very next day...

With Scorbunny

Scorbunny poked his now-back-to-normal white ears upwards as he looked out the window of the moving train, seeing his reflection in the window. He then thought about Serena and the words she had said the day before. The thought of the honey-blonde made his cheeks go warm. "Ny bun," he said, dreamily. A blinding light flashed through the window, which meant that the train had exited out of a tunnel. Scorbunny shielded his eyes from the light, then looked to see a pasture full of Wooloo in awe. "Scor..! Ny!" he exclaimed. The rabbit Pokemon hopped over to a room door and opened it to see if it was Serena and Ash's room. Unfortunately, it was empty. He tried a different room and found a pink dress hooked on a hanger. When he opened the next, he found a bunch of opened boxes of carrots laying around and a Bunnelby munching away on one.

"Bunnelby!?" the normal-type Pokemon exclaimed, glaring at the intruder standing at the door.

"Scor bun!?" Scorbunny shrieked and slammed the door, scurrying down the hall to the next room. He opened the door to find a dark blue backpack and a pink backpack placed on two beds, which was undoubtedly Ash and Serena's room. "Ny-bun?" he asked, taking a step i. Then he heard Ash and Serena's laughs coming from nearby. "Scor bun!" he exclaimed happily and hopped over to the dining area, hoping to meet up with a certain honey-blonde haired girl.


Ash, Serena, and Pikachu were enjoying a a delicious breakfast consisting of bread, soup, and salad on the side while the electric mouse was devouring down a bowl of Pokemon food. The honey-blonde was carefully breaking pieces of bread before engulfing it with her soup. Ash, on the other hand, was struggling to take a bite out of his own loaf of bread, sweat dripping down his face as he bit down and tried to pry off a piece. Finally, he managed to rip off a piece, sending him back a little bit and startling Pikachu, along with Serena.

"Pika?" the electric mouse squeaked.

"Whoa. Man, this bread is really tough to eat," the raven-haired trainer said, chewing on his food. Serena giggled at the scene next to her.

"You could break it into smaller pieces before eating it," the honey-blonde said with a wink.

"Hey, that's a good idea!" Ash replied, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her to blush instantly. Scorbunny, having wandered in at that moment, perked his ears up and scampered over to the table, jumping up and down so that Serena would notice him. Unfortunately, it backfired because the honey-blonde haired girl didn't notice him at all. The rabbit Pokemon sweatdropped, then tiptoed over next to her seat and waved his ears around, but Serena was too fixed on watching Ash and Pikachu gulp down their food in one bite. Scorbunny clenched his paws in anger and then tried to get the honey-blonde's attention once again by walking past her and Ash's table, whistling a tune, but Ash and Serena were too busy with a conversation. The fire-type was now fuming and stomped out of the dining area, only to find a cart with a box full of Oran Berries. He grabbed one berry, took a bite out of it, threw the berry into the air, and kicked it, smacking the head of a waiter who was coming in with a tray of salad and soup and causing him to fall. Ash and Serena turned their heads to see the waiter covered in soup and the salad spilled all over the floor.

"I am so sorry," the waiter apologized before standing up to the clean up the mess he'd made. From outside the dining area, Scorbunny peeked out from behind the doorway.

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