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The Chosen Ones. The Osirians.

If you had said that to Twins Eddie and Charlie Miller a year ago, they probably wouldn't have any idea what you were talking about. A year later and they are still struggling to understand it but have done various research to know more than they did before.

Two sets of twins sat by the pool, their legs dangling in it, it being a hot day in California. They had spent a lot of their time down the beach, swimming in the sea, chucking each other in the sea and mainly just chilling in the pool. Charlie looked at Nicholas and he smiled back at her.

Charlie" This has been nice coming to America with my brother and meeting our Aunt, another relative I didn't know I had"

Nicholas" Yeah, it's been nice spending time with Gran"

Charlie" How is she?"

Nicholas" I don't know she has been okay, but she does have her bad days"

Charlie" I did think after Eddie and I banished Senkhara she would of got better"

Nicholas" I know me to, I think it's just her age that's why me and Nina won't be going back to England for school"

Charlie" What?"

Nicholas" And it's not just that, me and sis found out that The Chosen Ones and The Osirians can't be together"

Charlie" But we were together all last year"

Nicholas" We weren't really in close proximity though were we"

Charlie" Its just its been a great summer, one of the best I've had if I'm honest, though I am excited to go back to England and see my dad"

Nicholas" Awww, that's cute"

Charlie" To be honest I never thought I would say that, I mean at one point he was this hopeless dad that didn't want me and Eddie in his lives. But now I see it was because we were The Osirians"

Nicholas" I will miss you..., I mean both of us will miss you and Eddie"

Charlie" Oh yeah of course, Eddie and I will miss you and Nina"

The next morning Charlie was with Nina, they had become quite good friends over the summer. She was twirling her Eye of Horus necklace around her neck. Charlie sat down with her and both of them hugged.

Charlie" I am going to miss you, I'm sorry Fabian couldn't make it"

Nina" It's okay, it's not your fault"

Charlie" Maybe he couldn't afford it, America is expensive when you don't have a rich dad to fund your tickets"

Nina" True, I'm just going to miss him, like never seeing or talking to him again"

She sighs and twiddles the Eye of Horus necklace again. Charlie puts her arm around her.

Nina" But I am doing it for Sibuna, to keep them all safe"

Charlie" Eddie and I will miss you and your brother but we will look after them, don't worry"

Nina" You better, I'm going to miss them all, I really wish The Chosen Ones and The Osirians didn't have to be kept apart"

Charlie" Me too"

Later on both sets of twins were sat at the island eating pancakes made by Eddie and Charlie's Aunt. Both sets of twins had been going to each others houses during the summer. Nina and Nicholas's gran had loved Charlie and Eddie, she kept asking if Charlie was going to get with her grandson and Eddie with his granddaughter and got upset when they said they had a girlfriend and boyfriend. The pancakes were soon devoured and The Miller Twins had to head to the airport. Their Aunt started taking the twins suitcases out to the car. Both sets of twins took turns hugging each other.

Nina" Listen, we figured you guys might wonder why we haven't given you our necklaces?"

Eddie" Well it had crossed my mind"

Charlie" Are you not giving them to us?"

Nicholas" You don't need them, your bracelets will do all what our necklaces will do"

Eddie" Our bracelets, so they finally have a use"

Charlie" All those days I spent in the library"

Nina" We looked it up turns out they were not actually activated until that day in the library when you both defeated Senkhara"

Twins" Wow"

Both sets of twins gave one last hug goodbye before The Miller Twins hopped in the car and waved goodbye to The Martin Twins for the last time.

When they got to the airport, the twin's Aunt hugged them both and told them to be good. Once on the plane it didn't take long for it to set off after all the safety checks. Both twins slept all the way to England.

Story Notes
So The Miller Twins head to the airport for England and to reunite with their dad and start another year at Anubis House and Frobisher Academy. The Martin Twins stay in America to keep everyone safe and spend time with their gran.

Authors Notes
So here we are, The Osirian Twins is in progress. The first two chapters will be up next week. I've already written six. I really hope you like this one. I can't wait to sink my teeth into this one.

Let me know what you think of this down below.

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See yah next week!

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