House of Unity

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Alfie's POV
All of us are sitting in the sitting room that evening, Joy and KT are on the new laptop they won in the business studies competition, Trudy is urging Jerome to hurry up with his food. I couldn't believe Amber had sold us out, it just couldn't be true, I knew Amber, we all knew Amber she wasn't like that. The worst thing about all this we hadn't seen her since the gatehouse. Patricia then voices her opinion breaking the silence.

Patricia"I don't get it, I'd never believe Amber would betray us. Never."
Alfie "We heard her, We saw her give Victor the bracelet."  

Patricia then tells us to shush as KT sits behind her on her tablet. Victor at this time also walks in and he is smiling, this wasn't good.
Victor" "Your attention please. Miss Millington has left the school."
Patricia""What do you mean she's left?"
Victor""She is currently traveling back to America with her father, where she will attend some fashion school."
Patricia" "You're lying"

This just couldn't be true, she can't have left.

Alfie" No she couldn't She wouldn't! She didn't even say goodbye!"

Victor smiles it always made him happy when they were all unhappy.

Alfie" This just can't be happening, she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye"

Patricia""Did you know anything about this?"

Patricia turns around to KT, she had been out to get KT since the day she arrived.  KT looks shocked as Patricia accuses her.

KT"What? No. Why?"
Patricia""Well, you seem very interested in what's happening to her."
KT"I was just worried."
Patricia"Yeah, but you barely even know her."

Everyone in the sitting room is now watching Patricia and KT's argument.
KT "I care about her, Is there something so wrong with that?"

KT then storms off to the kitchen and Joy gets up to follow after her. This just couldn't be happening it couldn't.  

Charlie's POV

After the eventful business studies competition Eddie and I were in his and Fabian's room sitting on the bed. We were still reeling from the shock of seeing a mask in our dad's cabinet drawer.

Eddie" I mean how could he lie to us, all the talk about wanting to be a proper dad"

Charlie" I know I thought he was done lying to us, this just makes me cautious, why is he part of some secret society"

Eddie" We don't know that, not for certain yet, Denby is the one behind it I know it"

Charlie" But Eddie what if she isn't what if our dad really is part of this, it scares me"

I sit on Eddie's bed which is a mess as usual and sigh, still feeling defeated. Eddie accompanies me and slots his arm around me. He pulls me into a hug.

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