House of Enemies

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Charlie's POV

KT had just pulled off the top of the puzzle and we emptied it out on Fabian's bed. It contained a map and a clue.

Fabian" Here, let's have a look"

Charlie" It's a plan of the house"

KT"Guys, there's something else"

"When your friends are not your friends, the secret room is what you seek"."When you reach a dead end, the time has come to dig deep".

Fabian" Okay, look for a secret room"

Eddie" Um There"

My twin points to a spot on the map and it has a small x on it. I could see where he would get that idea from.

Eddie" Dig deep, it must be under the cellar"

Patricia"Yeah, but what's under the cellar?"

Fabian" Well, it stands to reason that Frobisher put an insurance policy in place in case he was woken up evil.I bet it's in that room"

Charlie" He really did think of everything"

Patricia"Well, he could've put a door on it"

KT" Yeah, why not just use the antechamber?"

Fabian" Nah, still too much of a risk. People know that place exists. Which means whatever's in there must be huge"

Alfie Hey, Sibunas, what did I miss?"

Alfie has now entered the room, getting back from his date with Willow I heard from KT the other day. Why was he all wet, it wasn't raining.

Fabian" We got inside the capsule"

Patricia" Which had a blueprint inside"

Eddie" Which points to a secret room under the cellar, which we think was Frobisher's backup plan in case he woke up bad"

KT" I have mild Synesthesia"

Charlie" And Eddie and I were kidnapped"

Alfie" How long was I gone?"

Charlie" How was your date?"

Alfie" Oh, it was totally worth the cold I'm gonna get"

Someone knocks which mean we know it's not a member of Sibuna, Fabian slowly slides the paper out of sight, as Trudy appears at the door.

Trudy" Ah, there you all are. Miss Denby's called you all back to school"

Charlie" What for?"

Trudy" Extra coursework. Now, I'm afraid"

KT" Oh, I got to get dressed"

I nudge Eddie and he shares the same thought as me. The last thing we want to do is see Denby after school hours.

I was sat next to my brother as we both filled in what I would call a personality test, which was weird, how was this school work. Miss Denby was standing at the front of the classroom.

Miss Denby" This won't take long.I just need you to fill these out so I can make an assessment going forward"

Fabian"Is this some kind of test?"

Charlie" It's looks like a personality test, to me"

Miss Denby" You are correct Charlie, this is indeed a personality test"

Charlie" And what exactly does that have to do with school work?"

Miss Denby" It helps us understand each student so we can tailor coursework to the individual.There are no right or wrong answers"

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