House of Heartbreak

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

We both headed back to the house with Patricia and Alfie. I was just glad Eddie knew that Patricia was a sinner, though it made me feel even more anxious about him being around her. We were looking for Fabian and KT.

Charlie" Anything?"

Patricia" Did you find KT?"

Alfie" No, Fabian either"

Charlie" Oh god, what if he has become a sinner, oh god not Fabian"

Eddie pulls me into his arms.

Eddie" It's okay sis, I'm sure he is fine, he has to be"

Alfie" So what do we do now?"

Patricia" I'll ask Trudy"

Twins" Great idea!"

Alfie" What's with you both?"

Eddie" Look, KT is not the one working for team evil, Patricia is"

Alfie" What? How do you know? What?"

Charlie" She was trying to capture you earlier when we came along"

Alfie" She was what?"

Twins" Shhhh!"

Alfie" Oh, man, we locked KT up with Patricia, we were horrible to her!"

Eddie" I know.I know, but she's with Fabian now, okay? They'll be okay"

Charlie" If my Fabian is not a sinner"

Eddie" Not helping Charlie"

Charlie" Sorry"

Eddie" Look  I'm gonna have to "evilsit".

Eddie goes to leave and I grab his arm.

Charlie" Eddie wait"

Eddie" Yeah"

Charlie" Be careful"

Eddie" Always"

He disappears into the living room and leaves me with Alfie.

Eddie's POV

Patricia" Trudy is useless, she doesn't know anything, I'm going to go and find Fabian"

Eddie" Wait, Wait.Uh, I thought we could spend some quality time. You know, just you and me"

I stare at the empty living room.

Eddie" All by ourselves, together"

Patricia" Okay.

I paced up and down the living room while Patricia sat on the couch wearing a very bored expression.

Eddie" Don't suppose you remember the nursery rhyme, we need to find those artefacts"

Patricia" I've tried, but it's no good.I can't remember it"

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