House of Dates

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My own little chapter I made up. I thought it was cute to write and I hope you enjoy it. There is also a collage at the bottom.

Charlie's POV

I was sat down on a spread blanket with Fabian, he had organised the sweetest picnic for us, he raided the cupboards and the picnic blanket was covered in a variety of colours. Red strawberries, blueberries, yellow lemonade, green and pink cupcakes and all different sandwiches spread out on cute flowery plates Trudy had obviously bought. I smiled as Fabian began pouring us two cups filled to the brim with lemonade.

Charlie" Fabian, this is amazing, I can't believe you did all this"

Fabian" Well, I just thought that after everything that has been going and the stuff with KT we could use a break just to relax and clear our heads"

Charlie" It is nice just to relax and not have to think about if my dad is involved with Team Evil or Eddie is going to be hurt or Sibuna Drama"

Fabian" So what do you want to talk about?"

Fabian hands me my lemonade and I take a sip, the bubbles tickling my nose.

Charlie" We could talk about graduation, I know it's quite a way off but still, have you given any thought as to what you want to do"

Fabian" Well, I have been thinking about studying Egyptology, though I'm not sure they have a course for that though"

Charlie" Have you looked?"

Fabian" No I keep meaning to get around to but with all the Sibuna drama I keep putting it to one side"

Charlie" We could look together, I did actually bring my laptop I was researching things myself"

Fabian" Maybe, I just kind of want to sit and talk to you, what do you plan on doing when you leave here?"

Charlie" Well I've often thought about a journalism or writing course, I've always wanted to try out more options, I mean I only ever got one chance to write and that was when Mrs Andrews was here, I guess Sibuna just gets in the way sometimes"

Fabian" It is true, I love Sibuna but it can get in the way of important things"

He grips my hand in his and we lay back to the look at the clouds. He squeezes my hand.

Fabian" So when did you realise you wanted to be a writer?"

Charlie" Ever since I was little, I always used to have many notebooks around me and always used to write little stories in them Jason read them every time"

Fabian" I sill can't believe Jason brought you up, we always thought he was too young to have kids"

Charlie" I know, my dad knew him very well so he decided I would be safe with him"

Fabian" Did you ever wonder if you was adopted?"

Charlie" Yeah, a lot of the time Jason eventually told me when I was thirteen"

Fabian" What did you think?"

Charlie" It was like everything made sense, I had never known my mum and I looked nothing like Jason, everything just clicked"

Fabian" Awww, I'm happy for you"

Charlie" You are so sweet Fabian"

Fabian" I've just had an idea, what if we attended the same university, we could find one that has both courses"

Charlie" Fabian I love that idea, look at you always full of good ideas"

Fabian's cheeks blush pink and he smiles. I loved Fabian, I know we hadn't been together that long but I just felt something for him I had never felt with Jerome. I felt like (I know this may sound cheesy, bear with me) I felt like he was my soulmate, you know when someone says there is one person out there for everyone. I never really got it until now. I just felt so safe and content when I with Fabian he put my rapidly pacing anxiety at ease. I slipped my laptop from my bag and both of us bit into a cupcake before siting in front of it. Lucky for us the wifi just about reached out here, I tapped in Oxford University and begin to go down all the list of degrees and courses they offered.

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