House of Sarcophagi

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Okay so for some reason the pic won't post in this document so you only get one on this chapter.

Charlie's POV

They next morning I am sat on Eddie's bed with him. He still has bed head and his tie is slightly askew. He has his head in his hands and is sighing heavily. Patricia and KT then walk in.

KT"What's up with the twins?"

Patricia" They both had a vision"

KT" What did you see?"

Twins" It was Frobisher"

Charlie" He was chanting, like Arise! Arise!"

Eddie" Yeah it looked like he was trying to I don't know summon something"

Charlie" Something terrible"

Eddie" Guys, we think something really, really bad is going to happen"


Fabian" Okay, so last night I saw Miss Denby coming out of Victor's office.She had a book under her arm"

KT" So she borrowed a book. I don't get it, Fabian"

Fabian"Victor was in the kitchen the whole time. He had no idea she was even there"

Charlie"She stole it?"

Eddie" Okay, I say we walk right up to her and ask her exactly what's going on"

I give Eddie a weird look.

Charlie" Yeah, not going to happen"

Patricia" Okay, out of all your bad ideas, that is definitely the worst"

Fabian" Well, we still have to figure out what she and Frobisher are up to"

KT"We don't know for sure that he's awake"

Twins"He's awake"

Eddie" We know it, so does Denby. That woman is bad news"

Alfie"So then we follow her. We'll see what she does, who she talks to. We duck and weave and bob and dive. Stealth mode"

We stare at Alfie, he could have a point.

Alfie" Okay, guys, I was being hypothetical.I wasn't meaning me"

Eddie"Wherever she goes, you follow"

Alfie"Yup stealth mode, Yeah, I can do that"

Eddie and I were chatting to each other about Frobisher when we hear our dad's voice

Dad" Oh, Edison, Charlie, Edison, Charlie"

Eddie" It's Eddie, seriously, do you do it deliberately?"

Dad" I know, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie"

He starts pushing a finger to his temple as if a reminder to remember the name Eddie and not Edison.

Dad" No, I wanted to talk to you both about yesterday"

Charlie" Right, when you expelled us"

Dad" Yes, I overreacted I know, and I'm apologising. But, hey. We don't want to dwell on that, do we?"

He then goes to slightly tap mine and Eddie's cheeks with his fist both of us lean back.

Dad" Onwards and upwards. Per aspera ad astra. Yes? Jolly good"

We both turn around and walk off, once we were around the corner, I share a confused look with Eddie.

Charlie" What just happened?"

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