House of Hog

75 5 4

Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn they hate us
Oh the misery. Everybody wants to be my enemy
Imagine Dragons

Disclaimer! Mild scenes and mentions of torture

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Mild scenes and mentions of torture

Another collage at the bottom and if you scroll in the header you will find a link to the song. I just thought it fitted this chapter. This is also double the usual work count I hope that's okay.

Charlie's POV

Eddie and I stood there as Frobisher practically breathing in our faces. He the reaches to grab both of us.

Eddie" No, no, no!"

Charlie" Ah! No! No, no!"

Alfie's POV

I am standing in my room on my phone when Fabian storms it yelling at me.

Fabian" Where are the Twins?"

Alfie" I don't know, Oh, there they are"

I trick Fabian who looks around giving me my chance to get to the other side of the room.

Alfie" I didn't think you'd fall for that, see, I always thought you were the smartest, but some people think Mara's the smartest"

Fabian" Tell me where The Twins are"

Alfie" They are safe and sound, of course, if you want to figure out where, you can always ask Mara's advice"

Fabian" You had better stop messing around with me, Alfie, or I will"

Alfie" Or you'll what, get physical? No. See, you're not really the sporty type, that's, um that's that's probably why Nina left you, though Charlie can't be fan either. Sorry, dude"

Charlie's POV

Twins" Ah! Get off me!"

We both struggle and I then look at the sarcophagi's, they have been filled, there is one with Victor, one with Patricia, one with Fabian and then the one that hurts the most.


I see Eddie looking and his face says it all, our dad was a sinner. Frobisher then throws both of us towards the wall and I tumble into Eddie. He stands by Patricia's Sarcophagi and I stand by Fabian's.

Then I see them, Patricia and Dad step out. I couldn't believe it, he was a sinner you could see the red eyes. I felt like crying.

Charlie" Dad"

Frobisher" Oh he isn't your dad now, your dad is gone and he certainly doesn't care about his stupid daughter"

Eddie" Hey don't talk to my sister like that"

Frobisher then slaps Eddie round the face with such force he falls over. I kneel down by him.

Frobisher" Do not speak to me like that boy"

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