House of Moonlighting

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Charlie's POV

Patricia and I were busy searching upstairs, we couldn't find KT anywhere.

Charlie" You find her"

Patricia" Nope"

Charlie" She isn't in our room"

Patricia" Come on let's go tell the boys"

Charlie" She's not upstairs, she's left her phone too"

Patricia" Hey, look KT's key to the crypt"

Charlie"Should we be worried?"

The rest of the house then push open the door and start screaming Anubis! Anubis! Anubis! Anubis! Anubis!.

Victor" Would you keep that racket down?"

Joy" But Victor, we won"

Victor"I don't care, take it into the living room"

Alfie then rushes in, I don't know where he has been.

Fabian" Alfie, where have you been?"

Alfie" Why? What's wrong?"

Eddie" We can't find KT"

Alfie" She's probably in the cellar and didn't want to come up because everyone's here"

Eddie" No, we checked, she's not there"

Patricia" What if someone's taken her?"

She then looks at Eddie and I.

Patricia" The same person who trapped you two"

Eddie" Okay, look, let's get out of our sports kit meet back here"

I follow Patricia back upstairs as we go to get changed. After I am changed I meet Patricia on the landing.

Charlie" Do you think it could be the same person who trapped Eddie and me?"

Patricia" Let's hope not, come on let's go"

We hurry downstairs and all rush to the crypt.

Alfie" Hello?"

Eddie" Shh!

Charlie" KT? KT"

Fabian" She's not here, is she?"

Charlie" No"

Fabian" Where then?"

Alfie" Maybe she did find the secret room"

Fabian" What? Oh, how do you suppose she did that? Oh, maybe she discovered teleportation"

Alfie" Or just a door"

I pat Alfie's shoulder

Fabian" Well, we better check the Gatehouse"

Patricia"Hope she's not there, that place is all kinds of wrong"

Charlie" I very much agree with you there Patricia"

I very reluctantly follow the others to The Gatehouse, we knew we had to be more careful than ever, we had yet to run into Frobisher but there was first time for everything. We then heard voices and footsteps.

Eddie" Go, Go, Go!"

Charlie" It's the door, It's the door!"

We all rush into the lift and Eddie just about slips through.

Eddie" What'd you grab the lever for?"

Patricia"I just panicked"

We start to ascend upwards and my stomach drops, lifts make me feel weird, there was also the chance Frobisher being on the other side. The doors ping open and we all see Victor. I quickly push the lever down and we start descending. When the lift pings open again, we see no one is there, so we all rush out as quick as possible. We arrive back at the house out of breath.

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