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His POV-

-I slipped out of my small bed and let out a small sigh I walked to my closet and grabbed some clothes, I slipped on a dark green sweater a little to big for me then put on some black jeans. I quickly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then washed my face and did my hair, running my hand threw it before I ran to my room and grabbed my bag, skate bored and Phone. I put on my head phones and ran out the door swinging my bag over my arm and jumping on my skate bored as I finally reached the school I saw Jason Scott's car pulling up, I let out a small sigh when I saw his dad talking to him then picked up my bored and put it in my bag then ran inside. I slid down the railing of the stairs in the room and walked to my seat, sitting down and yawning a little as I watched Billy sort out his pencils.

A little while later Kimberly Hart walked in then Jason Scott right after, it wasn't long before the whole detention room went quiet then started going "Mooo!" At Jason, I heard about what he did and thought it was pretty funny but he was gonna be shamed the rest of his life for this. "are you sure your in the right room?" Somebody yelled at Jason but he ignored it and walked to his seat which was right next to mine, my eyes shifted around the room before I saw some Ginger headed freak walking up to Billy who was mumbling something before the Ginger bumped into him "Sorry, here let me help you" he said and handed Billy a pencil but snatched it when Billy tried to grab it "Your a freak ya know that? I've had to watch you play with these for weeks..Are you crazy?" The guy growled as I started to get up "N- No!" Billy mumbled as the guy broke his pencil "oh Huh, what if you had a extra one, why don't you cut this little act and do something. Why don't you stop me Huh?" He said, before he could say another thing Jason pushed him out of the way "Hey! How old are you five?" He growled as everyone turned their heads "Hi I'm Jason this my first time here it's exciting you must be.. the Bully of detention, how dumb can you be" he chuckled as the other guy tried to punch him but missed, he tried again but missed so Jason slapped him gasps erupting all around the class room."Did you just slap me?" The ginger growled "Huh..I did, weird right?" He turned to me and Billy then back at the ginger "Now I'm gonna be here everyday for what seems like the rest of my life and I'm sure that you are too, so let's make a deal. Don't sit near me or them and we'll be okay!" Jason smirked before walking away, I giggled a little as the ginger sat back down and the teacher walked in. Kimberly quickly got up and pushed past the teacher and walked away "I need to go to the ladies room!" She said as she ran out the door "Oh..Okay and Good morning" he said, after about 25 minutes Kimberly came back to the class with her hair cut to her shoulders. Everyone started clapping and yelling congratulations at her and she just smirked and sat down behind me, "DAMN GIRL" somebody yelled.

After school I hopped on my bike and rode all the way to the mines, I slid a bit as I came to a halt and jumped off my bike then ran up a old trail. "TRINI?!" I yelled as I walked threw the old trail "Right here!" She responded from some rock and I quickly ran over to her "Hey hey!" I chuckled as she looked at me "Hey! You see the dumbo boys down there?" She turned her head and I nodded "Yeah I saw Billy and Jason walking up the Mine trail for some reason, then I saw that weirdo sitting on the train cart again." I responded as I sat down "Yeah he was watching me again" she smirked "So what do you think Jason Scott is doing with Billy Cranston?" She asked looking back at me and I shrugged "I dunno, it's weird" I mumbled as she smirked "Is it weird because you have a crush on Jason?" She said as I turned completely red "Shut up will ya lassie! It's only a wee one!" I huffed as she chuckled "Yeah yeah but just Imagine! Noah Alexander Quinn with Jason Lee Scott?" She smirked as I rolled my eyes "Never gonna happen, Jason isn't even Gay" I huffed as she finally got down from the rock, me and her talked a bit more before hearing a loud explosion.

Quickly we ran to it and stopped when we reached a ledge up above where the explosion was, The mystery guy appeared bellow us then Billy from the smoke. My heart sunk when I saw Kimberly and Jason run up together "Hey what are you doing dude!?" The mystery guy screamed at Billy as he ran up to him "I've been digging up here for some years!!" Billy yelled "Hey easy guy! Let's sort this out Huh!" Jason growled running in between Billy and the guy "I've seen him up here before!" The guy growled pointing at Billy "Hey Jason!" Billy yelled "You cannot be walking around blowing stuff up!!" The guy yelled as Jason pushed him away "I was just tryna dig a little deeper!! maybe I dug to deep Huh!!" Billy yelled "Billy you don't have to yell, we can hear you okay?" Jason growled "OKAY!" Billy yelled putting his hands up "HEY!" Trini yelled as I stepped back behind her and everyone looked up "You guys looking to get busted or something? This place is a restricted area!" She yelled "awe really Einstein Restricted? As in we shouldn't be standing on crazy rocks doing karate kid moves right!" The mystery guy said "Uh guys?" I heard Billy say but nobody listened to him "Yeah or uh camping out on old trains I see you too homeboy!" Trini called out "UH GUYS?!" Me and billy yelled but nobody listened "Oh no.." billy grumbled as I whimpered "wha-?" Trini gasped as she felt the ground shake, I could hear her screamed as we both fell into the dust.

I hit the ground with a thud, I had blood dripping out of my mouth and my stomach hurt like a bitch, I heard everybody cough "Are you okay?" I heard somebody say "Yeah yeah I'm okay.." somebody responded "Woah!" Billy smirked as he quickly stood up and walked over to the wall "What is it?" Billy raised a brow as he walked closer "I've never seen glass like this before" Billy mumbled as everyone started touching it, I watched as the mystery guy ran and grabbed some tool then ran back "Watch out, watch out Look!" The guy yelled as he pushed Trini out the way "What are you doing?!" Jason yelled, I listened to everyone try to stop him and rubbed my head a bit as I had a major headache from the fall. Something fell to the ground and the mystery guy kneeled down and picked it up "My dad always knew the right spots!" Billy smiled "Wait wait that doesn't mean keep banging!!" Billy yelled as the guy started to bang on it again and more fell, the guy broke the piece in half despite everyone's protests and more small coins fell out. Everyone picked one up and I did so as well "Well we all found one" the mystery guy said "No he found them!" Jason growled "Guys guys do you hear that?!" Kim said looking at us "Mine security, peace" the guy said and ran off "Somebody should've pointed that out..Wait I did!" Trini yelled before me and her took off, I saw Jason drag Billy away and me and Trini kept running.

Kimberly was running with us, we kept running. I had tears in my eyes as I grew nervous suddenly a car was driving beside us and the side door opened "GET IN!" Jason yelled as he reached his hand out, Kimberly was the first to grab hold and he pulled her in quickly he came back out and pulled Trini in "I'M IN!" Trini yelled as he came back out once more and held his hand out for me "Come on you got this!!" He yelled seeing the tears dripping down my eyes "No no I can't!!" I whimpered as he looked at me "You can I promise I'll catch you!" He reassured as he grabbed my hand, hesitantly I jumped into the car and billy made a hard turn making me and Jason fly back into the side of the car.

Evidently I landed on top of him while hearing Billy in the background "SORRY!!!" I quickly scrambled to get off of him and sat down near Trini and she smirked at me "What about the other guy?" Billy said looking back and we all looked at eachother then back at Billy "JUST DRIVE" we all yelled "Go down hill go to the lights bellow!" Jason yelled "You wanna drive now?!" Billy grumbled as I curled up in the back of the van tears streaming down my face as my breath quickened "Shit..Shit..Shit" I mumbled when I heard Trini again "GUYS GUYS THERES A TRAIN!" Trini yelled and I only panicked more, a large thud on the roof of the van made more tears come "We got it! Now keep driving while I pull him in!" Jason yelled as he pulled the other guy in "are you crazy!?" Jason yelled at him as the other guy smirked "Yeah I am!" He chuckled as Trini looked at everyone "Were not gonna make it!" She yelled "WERE GONNA MAKE IT!" Billy yelled until, we went flying there was screaming and a lot of blood. We tumbled for a few minutes and then it just stopped and every thing went black.

am I dead?

1727 words

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